Baby Amaro

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Amanda's POV

Once my water broke I knew for sure I was having this baby tonight. OH MY GOSH I'm having a baby tonight. We arrived at the hospital and a nurse came out to help me into a wheelchair. The wheeled me down the hall and into a room. My pants were wet so the nurse helped me get into a hospital robe. I was really embarrassed about wetting my pants. Liv and Nick helped me into the bed , then there was a knock at the door , a lady in a lab coat walked in but she wasn't my doctor. " Hi , my name Is Doctor Santiago but you can call me Cyn" she said. "Hi I'm Amanda" I said through each breath. " Cyn" ? Nick asked.  "Detective Amaro ?" Cyn said.

" I didn't know you were a doctor" he said. " You know her" I asked. " Yeah she was a eye witness in you case"he said. I just nodded and breathed out through another contraction. She did the exam and said they might have to do a C-section but because of the scar tissue they might be able to avoid it. Cyn could tell I was getting worried both by her demeanor and the machine that was keeping track of my well-being , so in order to settle her down she told Tara to put some medicine in my IV bag to calm me down a bit. A little while later Nick told Olivia she could go home and get some rest , and that he'll call if anything changes. Nick has changed into a robe that Tara gave him. Nick did his best to make me as comfortable as possible. So far I've only been having mild contractions but they were started to get more intense. Tara had noticed , Nick didn't realize until Tara told me to breath through them. My contractions were still 7 minutes apart , and I wasn't in active labor just yet. I needed to go to the bathroom Nick and Tara helped me off the hospital bed. I insisted on going alone and Nick waited nervously outside. Alittle while later , Cyn came back in a checked again and said I was making progress.
Nicks POV

Then Nicks phone buzzed it was Fin calling , Nick answered.

"Hey Fin" he said.

"Hey how's baby girl" he asked.

"She's hanging in there , she's tough I give her that" I said.

"That's good , can I talk to her" he asked.

Amanda screamed in pain in the background

" Maybe nows not a good time , call yah later" I said then hung up.
I don't see how Amanda or any woman can go through this , she looks like she's in alot of pain ..... Poor baby !

Nobody's POV

Amanda was now in active labor , Cyn came back in and sat at the end of that table. Her contractions are about 3 minutes apart . Nick kept telling Amanda to breathe and he was holding her hand through it all. Nick just hoped he helped her right , so far he's only got a few curse words and some squeezing of his hands.

" Okay Amanda just breath , Try not the push" Cyn said. She looked on the monitor and saw that another contraction was coming. Amanda managed to nod before pain hit her full blow. Nick felt Amanda's grip tighten and her face cringe. Amanda wasn't breathing calmly at all.

"Killing you" Nick said.

"Just abit" Amanda said.

Amanda let out a long , painful moan and squirmed a bit.

"What's wrong Amanda?" Cyn asked

" It feels like I'm being pulled apart" she said.

" He's just moving down your pelvis , I normal to feel this way". Cyn said.

Amanda slowly sat up and she stood up and dropped down into a squatting position. Nick looked worried and finally Cyn said something.

" Squatting is a very natural position" Cyn said. Nick touched Amanda's shoulder and she snapped. "Don't touch me" She yelled.

" Alright Amanda you almost ready , so I need you to get back on the bed.

She followed instructions , "I have to push" Amanda said as another contraction hit her.

" No you can't do that ... Just breathe" Cyn said. " I can't I Can't ! " Amanda cried.

A little while later Cyn told Amanda she could push on her next contraction. The contraction approached and Amanda curled her back and pushed with all her might. Amanda did the same for the next three contractions and within minutes out came a healthy baby boy. Nick cut the cord , and Amanda waited until she could hold him.

" Whats his names" ? Cyn said

" Ayden Myka Amaro*

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