Spill It ?

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5:47 pm @ The Precinct

Nick calls Amanda over to his desk and.they start talking...


Nick: So hows the baby ?

Amanda:He's fine (while putting her hand on her stomach)

Nick: Oh ! So You Admit Its Gonna Be A Boy

Amanda: No I just dont wanna call OUR baby an "it"

Olivia: Who's baby is an it? (She cut in )

Amanda: Umm , I-I-

Olivia: You were about to lie

Amanda: Can I speak with you in private

Nick: Want me to come with you ?

Amanda: I dont care


Olivia: So do yall wanna explain that to me again ?

Amanda: Im pregnant , and its Nick's baby

Olivia: WHAT , What In The Hell Is.Wrong With You ...You Cant Keep It In Your Pants Amaro , And Amanda You Just Earned My Trust Back , When I told you guys to get a room I didn't mean it literally !

Nick: Im sorry it was a mistake

Amanda: So it was a mistake ?

Nick: No babe I didnt mean it like that

Olivia: Well then what did you mean Nick , because Im about 2 seconds from firing both of your asses !!!

Nick: What I meant was that I love you Amanda ,and this baby is a symbol of that

Amanda: well thats sweet and all but we still might end up jobless.

Olivia: MIGHT ? You know if we weren't.such short staffed I would fire both of you  for being UGH !! , but just know that yall both are on desk duty .

Amanda: Thank you , you dont know how much this means to me

Nick: Same here Liv..... I owe you one big time

Then they got up and left

Olivia: Btw Manda , how far along are you ?

Amanda: 3 months (she patted her stomach)

Olivia: Congratulations Amanda .
Olivias thoughts: What in the hell am I gonna tell IAB , Pregnant.... Amanda .. Nick ... Aww.Damnnn

·Well that went better than I thought it would ?
· Remember im new at this ?
· More suggestions
· Remember VOTE , COMMENT !!! PLEASSEEEEE !!!!!!

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