Spilled Secrets

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Nicks POV:
I ran after Amanda but Olivia stopped me , she said it was more of a woman to woman type thing. I had no idea , she got pregnant . I wonder why she didn't keep the baby.
Olivia's POV:
I walked into the cribs and I saw Amanda balled up into a corner , her eyes were all puffy and swollen. I really felt bad.
Amanda: why are you here ?
Olivia: I came to check on you , so you wanna talk about it ?
Amanda: There's nothing to talk about !
Olivia: Yes there is , and I'm not leaving until I hear your story
Amanda: Okayyy , um I was dating this guy in high school , and he was a charmer , popular , head of the football team all that good stuff. And I was at a party , and we got drunk and I mean drunkkk , and we had sex and I got pregnant , he told me if I got an abortion we could be together , and me being stupid I did that and yeahh , my mom held it against me all the time.
Olivia: Amanda , you can't keep blaming yourself , your not stupid , you were young and you were wanting to try different things. He manipulated you and lied to you , so please don't let your mother hold that against you , okay ?
She wiped her tears and stood up , took a deep breath and walked out the door into the squadroom .
Nick: Hey babe , are you okay ?
Amanda: Yeah , I'm fine
Daisy: Peach I thought th-
Amanda: I think its time for you to go
Daisy: Wwhy I just got here
Amanda: I think you've caused enough damage in my life , so can you please go back home.
Daisy: But I haven't even seen my grandson
Amanda: I'll send you pictures so goodbye
Daisy: Wait I'm sorry please , I didn't mean it
Daisy apologized one more time , then left out the squad room
Nick: You Didn't have to say that to your mom
Amanda: and you ..... Your best bet is to leave me alone ,
Nick: Amanda I -
Then I walked out , I needed a meeting BAD , but instead I found my way into a gambling club and betting like crazy. Nick was blowing up my phone and I declined every call. I hated his guts right now and I don't even know why. I love that man , but I can't let him love me the way I want him too. I started to get flashbacks about the kidnap , the tires screeching , shots being fired , screaming and yelling but then I heard someone calling my name and I snapped out of my thoughts.
Amanda: What do you want , why do you keep following me
Nick: Last time I checked you are my fiancé and I need to know where you are
Amanda: Well , you don't have to worry about that anymore cause I don't want to get married
I took off my ring , I knew I didn't mean it the alcohol was talking.
Nick: Amanda please dont throw your life away , last time you gambled you almost lost your job and could have went to prison. Now if you keep this up I'm taking -
Nick: THEN STOP ! Every time we get into an argument you drink or try and gamble. I love you Amanda , more than anything and I love you too much to let you go , now I'm taking home
Guy: hey leave the lady alone
Nick: She's my fiancé and I'm taking her home she drink
Guy: But the lady wantes to stay
He grabbed Nicks shirt , Nick grabbed him badge
Nick: Do you really wanna get arrested for assaulting a police officer ?
He stepped down , and walked away.

At the house:
Nick walked me into the house and layed me down on the bed , I rolled into bed and fell asleep immediately. Nick sighed and went into the shower. I felt really bad for how I treated Nick , I knew he meant well , and all I did was push him away. I really don't wanna throw my life away , and I almost did an I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.

The Next Morning:
I woke up and Nick was not in bed , I shrugged my shoulders and the did my daily routine grabbed my gun and badge and went to work. I arrived at the precinct and walked over to the coffee table. I fixed me a cup of coffee and walked to Nicks desk. I'll just pretend nothing happened last night.
Amanda: Hey Babe , brought you some coffee
Nick: No thanks I'm fine
He never looked up from his computer.
Amanda: Ohh...Kay well where were you this morning I thought we start riding together again
Nick: You wanted me to leave you alone right
Then he got up and walked away. I just stood there dumbfounded. I knew he was still angry from last night and I couldn't blame him. I decided to use my time wisely and call my babysitter and check on Ayden.
Phone Convo:
Aria- Hello ?
Me- Hey Aria its Amanda
Aria- Oh Hi Mrs. Rollins , is something wrong?
Me- Uhh No , I was just checking on you and Ayden to make sure everything's okay
Aria- Well everythings all sunshine and rainbows over here
Me- Are you sure ? You sound shakey
Aria- I'm fine Mrs. Rollins , thanks for calling , I'll call you later Goodbye.
Phone call ended.
Something's been off about Aria for the longest and I'm worried something may be wrong. I not gonna push her , but I'm gonna check on her every now and then. But right now., I need to focus on me and Nick get back into a better place in our relationship. Its not healthy for us or Ayden.... He needs a stable family and home and I don't wanna wreck that because of my horrible mistakes .

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