Chapter 1

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It was a long day at the 16 Precinct, and after another hard case, everyone was wiped. Sergeant Benson came out of her office and told everyone to go home, saying  she would call if they got a lead .
"Anyone up for a drink?" Fin offered.

"Sure," Amaro agreed.

"Nah, I think I'm going to be heading home." Amanda declined.

"Oh, come on! Stop being lame!" Amaro teased.

Amanda stared. "Eh, sure.What the heck." She gave in, Amaro smiled.

1 Hour Later....

"Hey, Ed, lemme get another round." It was obvious that Fin was drunk.

Amaro leans over and whispers something in Rollins ear."Yeah, let's get outta here." Amanda whispered back. "You know what, I think I'm gonna head home." Amaro said to Fin. Yeah, uh. Me too." Amanda chimed in.

"Alright guys, goodnight." Fin said. "Goodnight." Rollins and Amaro said together, and they left.
They walk out giggling and they hail a cab and get in .

15 Minutes Later :

Amaro unlocks his door and they walk in kissing, as they stop to take a breath.Surprisingly, Amanda asked this. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"
"Are you?"Rollins just grinned.

Amaro leads Rollins to his room and slams the door shut.

The Next Morning                                               

Amanda woke up to and empty bed and the smell of food. She throws on her robe and walks into the kitchen.

Amanda wraps her arms around Nick and breathes in his ivory scented soap.

"Well, good morning to you too, babe." Amaro said.b
He turns around and kisses her on the lip.

"Hey, we have to get ready for work, I'm going in the shower."

"Mind if I join?"

She just smirks, and he takes that as a yes!

1 Hour Later ........
Amaro's ex calls him at work.

(edited by AmazingDanAndMore!)

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