November 28, 2020 - Defiant Surrender? .... No Way!

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Like an ocean

A virus rolls

Crashing large waves

Against our souls

Dark waters swim

Within our minds

And folks rebel

As virus binds

We sacrifice

So, we can walk

Like nothing's wrong

Bravado talk

We seek a life

That cannot be

Virus ignores

A human plea

Weapons laid down

We wave white flag

Virus slaughters

A high price paid

Why don't we fight?

And wear a mask

And stay home more

A simple task

Our forefathers

Did not line up

To be shot down

Or be round-up

Embraced new ways

To fight a war

To regain freedom


So, let's be brave

And fight new ways

Masks and distance

Ends viral blaze

Starve this virus

Remove its fuel

End a dark reign

Of viral rule

Copyright 2020 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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