April 30, 2020 - Embrace Grief Then Pivot

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As I listen to discussions on getting back to work and reopening our economy, I struggle with strong feelings over different points of view. Some folks feel the stay-at-home orders should continue. Others feel is time to reopen with few restrictions and let the virus run its course. Some folks feel a gradual opening is appropriate.

My fears are rising as I watch the decisions being made. I feel we are opening too quickly.

Reflecting on what happened over the last couple of months, I wonder if I can embrace a state of mind that would give me a sliver of peace.

My first step is to embrace the losses I feel through an acrostic poem titled 'Grief.'

Gloom from loss and change

Routines rearrange

Invent new lifestyle

Earnest reconcile

Future feels worthwhile

I know that my past way of living is probably altered forever. The lifestyle I had before COVID-19 is unlikely to return. The plans I made for the future will need to be altered.

I cannot control what other people will do. It looks like some folks will need to burn and learn before they decide to change their lifestyle. I'll try to dodge their flames while they are on fire, but embers may reach me (hopefully with an effective safe vaccine in my bloodstream!). My lifespan may be shorter than I had hoped. Until then, every life experience will be more precious.

My next step is to embrace a different future expressed through an acrostic poem titled 'Pivot.'

Perceive new paths to flow

Invent new ways to grow

Volunteer new design

Offer new course to shine

Target a new life line

Will you pivot with me?

Copyright 2020 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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