October 14, 2020 - Emotional Drift

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In the beginning months of the pandemic, I was gripped by fear. A fear of the unknown. Hopes we could contain the virus were quickly dashed. As the months passed, the future became apparent. It was time to establish a routine that would distract me from my fear. I made choices. I worked hard to bring my stress level down. As the numbers rose for a second time, I felt my fear level drop.

I have entered a new phase where fear is not the pervasive emotion. A sense of sadness has replaced it. I feel sad that so many more lives will be lost. I feel sad that many who do recover will have physical and mental challenges the rest of their lives. I feel sad that many folks will not be able to get the medical care and the emotional support they need. I feel sad that we could reduce the infection rate, but choose to take risks to try and return to our pre-pandemic routines.

To fight the sadness, I will search for light and hope and share it through my writing, drawings and photographs. The future may be grim for a while, but there are still ways to lighten the heart and experience joy. I will try to do my part.

Copyright 2020 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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