March 6, 2021 - Vaccination Day

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Today is vaccination day. I am extremely grateful. But other feelings are swirling inside. Happiness, relief and fear are bubbling. I understand how lucky and privileged I am to receive the vaccine now, while others must wait. So, add guilt to the emotional stew simmering inside me.

Two days ago, I became eligible to receive the vaccination. I spent five hours on the phone and internet looking for an appointment. I did not expect to find a slot and was close to setting aside my search for the day when my phone connected with a live person. I could not believe it. I had been disconnected five previous times after waiting for thirty or more minutes. Relief flooded through me and I stammered with emotion for the first couple of seconds. After I setup the appointment and ended the call, the full impact hit me. I found an appointment on the very first day I was eligible!

I intensely desire this vaccination, for in a couple of weeks I may need to babysit my grandson while his mother serves on jury duty and daddy (my son) works. We do not want this scenario to happen. We hope to avoid it. But if we cannot, I'll feel better if I have some protection besides double masking. If I receive the Johnson & Johnson/Jansen vaccine I will have some protection within two weeks (it is better after four weeks). If I receive the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine, I may have some protection at two weeks post shot, but the best protection comes four or more weeks after the second shot. I'll take the vaccine I am offered, be grateful and hope for the best. My grandson has been attending school virtually this year, so the risk is a bit lower than if he went to school during the week.

In a couple of hours, an additional layer of protection will be added to my daily coronavirus survival plan. I'll be rolling up my shirt sleeve to take a shot that comes with a chaser of hope.

Copyright 2020 - 2021 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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