1.Moving In

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Sophie's heart sank as the car pulled into the driveway of her unfamiliar new home, the weight of grief and uncertainty pressing heavily upon her small shoulders. It had been only a few weeks since her parents and her beloved sister, Amy, tragically lost their lives in a devastating car accident. They had been on their way to Amy's school play that fateful day, a joyful event that now seemed like a distant, bittersweet memory. Sophie couldn't fathom the idea of living with strangers, her grip on Ella, her cherished stuffed toy for the past seven years, tightening as if seeking solace in its familiarity. With her free hand, she nervously tugged at her eyelash—a habit she couldn't break when anxiety consumed her.

Alden, her compassionate social worker, tried to reassure her, saying, "There's no need to worry, Sophie. Grady and Edaline are my dearest friends, and they will take good care of you. You won't have to worry about making friends either, as my son and daughter attend the same school as you. They're wonderful kids."

"Okay, Alden," Sophie replied, her voice quivering with apprehension. She glanced out of the car window at the sprawling front yard of the new house, its imposing structure casting long shadows that seemed to mirror the darkness she felt inside. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and stepped out of the car, her small frame shivering in the chilly autumn air.

Alden and Sophie approached the front door, and Alden gently knocked. Sophie's heart fluttered with a mixture of trepidation and hope. Moments later, a graceful woman with auburn hair and captivating turquoise eyes opened the door, her warm smile immediately easing some of Sophie's anxiety.

"Hello, Alden. Welcome to Havenfield, Sophie," she greeted them in a soft, comforting tone. "I'm Edaline Ruewen, but please call me Edaline."

"Hello, Mrs. Ruewen," Sophie managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. The weight of her grief and the uncertainty of her new surroundings seemed to tighten its grip on her, making it difficult to find her voice.

Edaline's turquoise eyes shimmered with understanding as she knelt down to Sophie's eye level. "I know this must be overwhelming for you, Sophie. But I promise you, you're not alone. You're part of our family now. Come on in."

Sophie stepped inside the house, her senses immediately engulfed by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The aroma of freshly baked goods wafted through the air, tempting her senses and stirring memories of her mother's comforting embrace. Edaline gestured for them to sit down and offered Sophie a tray of mouthwatering desserts, their sweet allure capturing her attention.

"Wow, this looks absolutely delicious," Sophie exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with a glimmer of excitement. The sight of the beautifully arranged treats filled her with a sense of comfort, as if these homemade delicacies were a glimpse of the love and care that awaited her in her new home. "Thank you, Sophie. It's a family recipe called mallowmelt. I'm glad you like it," Edaline replied kindly, her voice filled with warmth.

As Sophie nibbled on a mallowmelt, Alden and Edaline engaged in conversation, discussing the details of Sophie's transition and the support system that would be in place to help her heal. Sophie found solace in their words, their caring tones weaving a cocoon of safety around her fragile heart.

"Where's my dear friend, Grady?" Alden inquired. "He's currently taking a shower. He wanted to ensure he smelled pleasant when he meets Sophie for the first time," Edaline explained with a hint of amusement.

"I suppose I won't be able to meet him this time, but I will visit soon during the weekly check-ins. I should get going now since Della will be waiting for me," Alden stated, making his way towards the front door.

"Would you like me to show you to your room, Sophie? You must be eager to settle in and get changed," Edaline offered. Sophie nodded silently, following Edaline to the second floor. The space was expansive—her entire floor served as her own room.

As Sophie unpacked her belongings and changed into comfortable attire, she felt a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. She made her way downstairs to join the others for dinner, where she was greeted by a handsome, blond man with striking blue eyes. "Welcome, Sophie. I'm Grady," he introduced himself warmly.

"Hello, Grady," Sophie responded softly, taking her seat at the dining table. The food served was beyond scrumptious, and Sophie savored each bite. Later that night, as she nestled into her spacious bed, clutching Ella tightly, she allowed herself to dream of new beginnings and brighter possibilities, finally finding a respite from the haunting memories of the car crash that had plagued her for weeks. This was her chance at a fresh start—a chance to rebuild her life.

Hi, it's been so long. I've decided to rewrite all the chapters since I find my previous writing very cringe. Hope you guys like it!

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