17. Midterm Day

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Sophie woke up, exhausted. Not on the bed, or the couch, but her study table. She'd been studying almost all night. She got ready, as fast as she could and check the time. She had about half an hour before Biana came to pick her up. She picked up her Algebra textbook and started revising the formulas. Surprisingly, revision for Languages and Chemistry, which were usually her weak subjects, was done easily this time, with Keefe and Dex to help her. 

After the drama with Fitz, they had broken up. They tried to be friends again, but it was hard, especially when Fitz was still possessive of her and made jealous looks when she was near another guy, who was not him. After revising, Sophie raced downstairs and chugged down coffee down her throat. She needed to stay awake for the exams. She grabbed a sandwich and some mallowmelt and ran out the front door before getting in the car. 

Usually, Biana and Sophie joked and talked in the car, but today they were both revising. Sophie braced herself for the first exam. English. She got in the classroom. "Good Morning students." Mr. Bronte said. "I am your invigilator for today." Sophie sighed. Mr. Bronte was the most strict teacher in the entire school. Did she have to get stuck with him. Jensi was sitting next to her. She smiled at him. She was glad to see a friendly face in the tension. When the exam was over and the answer sheet submitted, Sophie was overcome with relief. She'd done pretty well. 

Next was Algebra. Sophie went in worried but, came out with a smile. Her hard work had paid off. The rest of the exams went as a breeze. Finally, it was Chemistry. Sophie went in with shaky legs. "Good Afternoon. Today, you will be doing the project as follows in the manual on your table. All ingredients are given. I will grade you the basis of your experiment and the diagram and explanation. You may begin." Ms. Galvin instructed.  

Sophie smiled. The experiment given to her was one that she and Dex had worked on for hours. Maybe today wasn't as bad as she'd thought. She went home anxious for her results. She'd have to wait a whole week.

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