16. A Fight

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Sophie could not believe it. It had been four months since she started at Foxfire High. That also meant that it was the busiest time of year for the students and the teachers- Midterms. Sophie sighed as she reread the instructions for her chemistry experiment. It did not make any sense. She had to revise all experiments done and she would be tested for one at Exam Day. She decided to call Dex over. He was great at chemistry. That wasn't such a surprise because, he practically lived at a pharmacy is entire life. 

Soon, the doorbell rang and Sophie raced down to open it. It was Keefe. She frowned. "Expecting someone else, Foster?" he asked with a smirk, but sadness was found in his eyes. "Ya.. I need so much help with chemistry and languages. I asked Dex to come over to help me out with chemistry. Guess I'll have to do languages myself." Sophie huffed. 

"Languages? I can help you with that!" Keefe suggested. "I've gotten straight A's in it." Sophie was relieved and hugged him. Yes, she was that desperate. "Anyways, why'd you come?" Sophie asked. "I was in the neighborhood so, decided to stop by." he said. "Um, ok. So, when and where should we meet up for helping me in languages?" Sophie asked. "My house, Candleshade, today at 5?" Keefe said and Sophie agreed and soon after Keefe left. 

Keefe smiled to himself as he walked away and looked up. He bumped into someone. Someone, who was furious he was there. "Keefe? What were you doing at my girlfriends house?" he said, squinting his eyes. "What are you both doing at my daughter's house?" Grady shouted from behind. "And Girlfriend? Come in. We need to talk. Ok?" Fitz nodded nervously. Keefe sighed in relief. Thank goodness he wasn't Fitz right now. He ran towards home.

"Fitz! Hey, what are you doing here?" Sophie asked him. "We need to have a talk. NOW." Grady said and Sophie and Fitz sat down on the couch. Edaline came in. "Hello Fitz! How are you?" she said and smiled lightly. "Grady, dear what's wrong?" 

"Sophie has been dating young Mr. Vacker. How come she didn't tell us?" he glared at Sophie. "Um.. well?" Edaline looked at the floor guiltily. "You knew? Why didn't you tell me?" Grady turned his glare on Edaline. "This is why. You scared away all the boys who came for Sophie." Edaline. "Boys?" Sophie and Fitz exclaimed. "How come I didn't know? Who?" Sophie demanded. "Some guy called Valin." Edaline said. "Thanks Dad." Sophie sighed. 

"Now, let's talk. I am NOT okay with you dating my daughter." Grady said. "But, I can see that you're both in love. So, as long as you follow my rules, I'll be okay." Fitz and Sophie nodded.

"Number One: NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, hurt her physically, mentally or emotionally." Grady said. "Number Two: Keep her safe and happy. And Number Three: No Kissing." Edaline nudged him in the elbow and he said. "Fine, number 3 demolished." he grunted. Fitz and Sophie smiled ear to ear. 

Edaline and Grady left and Sophie and Fitz were left on the couch. As soon as they were, Fitz shouted at Sophie. "What was Keefe doing here?" Sophie was taken aback. "Calm down. Just because I'm dating you doesn't mean I can't hang out with my friends. Besides, he was helping me in languages." Sophie smiled hoping Fitz would understand. 

"Ask me next time." he said. "You're my GIRLFRIEND!" "Look, I don't stop you from hanging out with Linh and Marella?" Sophie said. "Well, I'm not you." Fitz shooted back. "Fitz, just understand I'm not yours. You don't own me. I can do what I want. It's my life." Sophie eyes started to water. 

"You always do this. Start cryin-" Fitz was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" Sophie ordered him. He ran out. Dex was at the door. "What just happened? Are you okay, Soph?" 

Sophie wanted to lie, she wanted to say yes. But instead, she didn't. Instead she kept crying at Dex's shoulder while she tried to comfort her. It all poured out. She told Dex about everything from the start and he patiently listened, like the best friend he was. 

Foxfire High #1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon