26. Emergency

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6th March 2021


"Does That Boy  have to come?" Grady whined. "Grady, we talked about this. Please, try and go without killing him for one night." I pleaded. "Where's he?" Edaline asked as she loaded the last bag to our van. "He'll be coming any second." I said. "If you say so. We're waiting five more minutes. Not a second more." Grady said. I called him but there was no answer. Five minutes were soon over so I sat down in the van in defeat. Just then, Biana called me. Her face was streaming with tears. "Sophie." she said. "What's wrong, Biana? Is everything okay?" I asked. "No." She gulpled. "Keefe got in an accident. He's at Rockbury Hospital right now in surgery." She cried. 

"Grady, turn towards Rockbury Hospital! Keefe's been in an accident!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. "How bad is it?" I asked Biana. Biana just gulped and more tears streamed down her face. 

As soon as the van stopped I ran in the hospital and asked at the reception. "Keefe Sencen, please? I am his girlfriend." I almost yelled. "Third floor for Critical Cases. Operation Room 310." She said, looking at her computer. Not even saying anything, or thanking her, I ran to elevator and went to the third floor and sat in the waiting room, where I found Biana, Fitz, Tam, Linh, Dex, Liam and Marella. Everyone looked as if they were crying. Even Tam. Linh and Biana came and hugged me. "How bad is it?" I asked. They didn't reply. "Tell me!" I yelled and my voice echoed. "Me and Keefe were driving, when suddenly a truck hit our car on Keefe's side. I escaped with just a few scratches but, Keefe was hit bad. Both his kidneys are damaged. He needs a kidney transplant. We all tried but, none of us are a match. If he doesn't get the kidney in nine hours, then-" Liam started crying. "I'll try." I said. 

I went to take the test. The doctor said the results would come in an hour. I sat back down on the chair in the waiting room and tried to keep it together. Everyone tried to comfort me. It was all in vain. 

The doctor came out. "Ms. Foster-Ruewen, we have the results. You are a match. I am not going to sugarcoat the risks. You may die or suffer from paralysis. Also, you will only have one kidney to support you and their will be severe pain for weeks and there will be a very visible scar. We'll also need signatures from your legal guardians and you will need a quick check-up on vitals. So, do you want to do this?" 

"I don't care. As long as Keefe will be alright I'm ready to take the risks." I said. "Give me the forms and I'll get everything done." He handed the stack and let me with a pen. I filled everything out. Now, for the hard part. The Signatures. 

Edaline and Grady were right outside. I went up to them and asked, "Edaline, Grady, please let me do this." I waited for them to refuse, but all they did was hug me and sign the papers. "We trust you and you choice." They said. 

I submitted the papers and after the check-up, they prepped us for surgery. I was given a dose of anesthesia and then, everything went black. 

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