Chapter 27

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Nicki jumped out of her sleep and a very angry Safaree flashed before her eyes.

"Safaree it's not what what it looks like." She semi-yelled with her morning voice as she pushed Drake off of the bed which made him fully wake up. When he realised Safaree was there, he wasted no time and started getting himself dressed.

"What is he doing here?" He asked while putting his pants on.

"Nigga! The question is what are you doing at my girl's house? In her bed?"

"Wait, you two are together?"

Safaree then remembered they were on the low. "That doesn't matter now. She isn't yours though."

"Drake, leave." Nicki said as calm as she tried to be.

"Why me?" He protested.

"Haven't you done enough around here? Go away!"

"You heard her. Leave white boy."

"Fine." He said and smirked making his way out the room which it was now silent. Nicki was playing with her fingers while Safaree just stood there leaned on the door frame.

"Really Nicki? You cheating on me? Out of all men in the world you chose him?"

"I didn't cheat on you."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Are you not listening to me? I didn't do anything. He came up to me. I wouldn't do this shit to you."

"But why didn't you stop him before he got this far then?" Nicki just looked down. "Do you still love him?"

She was caught off guard by this question as she did not know how to answer. Girl code, do not sleep with your ex if you still has feelings, yet she did and felt again that strong bond that they once had. Not to mention she was in a relationship, worst part she wasn't drunk or anything. Fully sober. So why did she do it?

"Wow. Silence. Okay..." Safaree said turning around to leave.

"No, Faree, wait!" Nicki said hurriedly getting out of bed running behind him but she didn't go that far because she remembered she was nude.

"It's Safaree to you." She heard him yell as she was putting on her robe and went after him. When she got to the living room, she heard the front door closed. She looked up and sighed loudly.

"Mommy, uncle Faree left." She noticed that Odell was watching tv with Drake.

"Drake. What are you still doing here?"

"Well, I was about to head out but then I saw him curled up on the couch terrified of the screaming, so..." His words were fading she was approaching. She sat down and carried OJ to her lap.

"Mommy's sorry you had to hear that." She whispered to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He nodded and snuggled up to her. She just kept rocking him back and forth until he fell asleep.

Nicki always knew how to easily get Odell to sleep. He shouldn't be a worry for about an hour. Enough for her to get started on the day.

"Drake, I think it's best if you leave."

"We have to talk about this."

"I'm in no condition to talk right now. You've caused enough for one day. Please, just go."

"Alright. I'll give you your space. But I'll be back."

He got up and let himself out.


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