Chapter 24: That's my man

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"Wow! Still can't believe we're in Miami." Safaree said stepping out of the car. Him, Nicki who invited Sherika and Thembi to come along and OJ flew over to Florida. It was Wayne's idea to shoot the video for BedRock on the mansion he owned there.

"Yeah, the weather here is so smooth."

"I'm so ready to turn up after this."

"Who isn't? But who would volunteer themselves to look over OJ? We can't just let him stay alone at the hotel" Nicki defended.

"He'll stay with me." Thembi said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, Absolutely. Go, have fun. I'm not really in the mood to go out."

"Thanks." Just then, they saw Wayne coming over them.

"Miss Minaj!"

"Wayne!" They greeted each other with a hug,mother he dapped Safaree.

"Glad you're right on time. We can have a tour to the house later."

"I hope you don't mind, I brought some friends with me."

"No problem. Everybody's welcomed here." Nicki moved to the side so he could see the girls. "Hello ladies." He kissed each one's hand.

"Hi!" They said simultaneously.

"I can't believe we're finally meeting Lil Wayne."

"We're such big fans of yours."

"Pleasure to meet y'all. Hope you'll be hanging with us later."


Just as Wayne was about to say something, Drake walked up to him telling that the director was ready to start shooting, so everybody got themselves settled.


Basically everybody pulled up at the club at the same time. They were escorted to the VIP area. They were having a good time, chatting, a couple of selfies. Some went to dance, some opt for some drinks. Nicki stayed with Shanell since Trina couldn't come.

Wayne and Drake went for what you would call 'women hunting'. Safaree went along with them, not to look for anybody, but just the conversation they were having was really interesting. He had Nicki and that was enough for him.

"Who's that sexy man over there?" Shanell asked so Nicki turned around so she could see. Turns out that Shanell was refereeing to Safaree who was on the dance floor.

"Girl, that's my man."

"Nah, you're lying. Why aren't you two together now?"

"We prefer to keep it on the low when in public."

"Hmm..." Shanell sipped on her drink looking at Nicki.

"You don't believe me, do you? I'll prove it to you." Nicki said and got up. Shanell just sit back watching Nicki as she walked up to him and whispered something in his ear. He looked back at her smirking then kissed Nicki like his life depended on it. She didn't hesitate and cupped his face on her hands and he let his hands roam down her hourglass figure. Shanell could see that kiss was pretty much heated.

"OKAY, I GET IT!" She dramatically covered her eyes making Nicki and Safaree break away laughing. Then Nicki went back to where she was.

"Convinced?" Nicki asked. Shanell put her hands up in air like she was surrendering herself.

"He's all yours alright." Nicki just laughed.

"Since I ruined part of my make up for you, walk me to the bathroom so I can fix it?"

"Sure." Shanell handed her her clutch and they made their way to the bathroom. Once there, Nicki reapplied your lipgloss and fixed her hair.

"If I knew you came just for your lipgloss, I'd stay right where I was."

"But you didn't, that's all that matters. It's too hectic out there. I just needed to focus, I don't want to look like a hot mess."

"Girl, you're tipsy, what did you expect?"

"Puff, I'm perfectly fine."

"If you say so..."

"Okay, I'm done. Let's go." They went back to their table and had another round of drinks. I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas come on, which made Nicki very hyped.

"Oh my gosh, I love this song! Let's go dance." She didn't wait for Shanell's response as she was pulling her by the arm straight to the dance floor. Her moves weren't come out right so she just stuck with classic ones and a little bit of whining. She danced to a couple of more songs. Even Safaree had her. Nicki was having the time her life. He could tell 'cause her laugh was all over the place.

"Okay Nic, I think you've had enough for tonight."

"Noooo..." She pouted. "I'm having a good time. I'm not tired."

"Trust me, you are. The more you stay here, the more you'll get cranky in the morning."

"But Faree..."

"No buts, let's go." He grabbed her by the hand and guided her back to their table to retrieve her purse saying goodbyes to everyone that they found on the way, then exited the club.

Once outside, Safaree spotted a cab right away and got himself and Nicki inside.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Turnberry Isle Miami." He paid in advance not really caring about the change. When they got there, he noticed that Nicki was knocked out on his lap. She was sleeping so peacefully. He didn't want to wake her up, but he had too. He helped her walk all the way to the elevator. As soon as they reached their floor, he carried her to the room they were sharing and laid her on the bed.

Before getting ready to bed, he decided to go check on Thembi and OJ. He went down to her room, which was on the floor below. After three attempts of knocking the door, lightly in case they were sleeping, he soon figured that out and when back to his room, only to fid the bed empty. That's when he heard the shower running. 20 minutes, Nicki came out of a steamy bathroom.

"Don't take too long. I wanna cuddle before I go to sleep." Said Nicki. She didn't have to tell him twice. He quickly took a shower, got dressed in his sweatpants and got under the covers with Nic, snuggling until deep sleep hit them both.

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