Chapter 18

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It has been a month since Nicki's agreement with Drake. Neither once she had thrown up so there was no need to go to the doctor's. She had been sleeping a lot though. One day, she was this close from getting fired because her boss had caught her dozing off during her shift. And the fact that her alimentation on wasn't balanced, made it worse. Somedays she would eat a lot, some she would seem like she's fasting. Not to mention what she has been eating. Let's just say you wouldn't recognize her by the food she ate. Everybody, but her, felt like she wasn't being herself. But she always just shrugged it off.

Today, Friday, was Nicki's day off so she, Candi and Thembi had decide to hang out. Since Candi had a car, she picked up Nic at her house and Thembi at hers. First, they went to Queen's Center. They entered in so many stores. In some, they bought something, in others they didn't. After a few bags that were weighing their arms, they've noticed it was lunch time. This made Nicki happy. As she craving for some chicken. So they decided to call it a shopping session and leave for the nearest Popeyes's. Unfortunately, the two nearest from the mall were full, so they kept searching for a freer one.

"Nic." Silence. Thembi turned around. "Nicki." Still nothing. She was knocked out on the backseat of the car.

"Onika!" Candi lost her patience and slapped Nicki's butt so hard making her jump.

"Bitch! The hell you slapping my ass for?"

"We're here. Come on."

"Nooo..." She whined. "I don't like chicken."

"What the hell are you saying? Since when you don't like chicken?" Thembi asked.

"Don't get me wrong, but I'm not in the mood for it anymore."

"Nic, what's wrong with you lately?"

"I don't know. I'm just tired I guess."

"That's it." Candi started reversing the car.

"Umm, Candi, what are you doing?"

"We're taking you to the hospital." Nicki sighed.

"But what about the food? I'm hungry..." Nicki whined.

"You don't like chicken, remember?" Candi mocked Nicki.

"I swear, if you weren't our best friend, I'd tell you to shut the fuck up." Thembi said.

"You're mean." Nicki said crossing her arms and pouting. The girls just laughed at their friend's childish ways.

"Don't worry, we'll get something to eat. After your appointment."


After they left the hospital they went to a restaurant for lunch. They haven't said much since then. Even the ride home was silent, and awkward. Thembi turned the radio on, but the volume was low. Candi pulled over at Nicki's house. They sat there in the cold silent until one broke it.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay Nic?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Well, if you need anything, just hit us up."

"Will do." With that, Nicki got out of the car walked up to her front porch and rang the doorbell. It didn't long for someone to answer.

"Nicki! I was about to call you to ask where were you."

"I'm here now." She waved goodbye to the girls so they could go. Once the car was out of sight, Nicki and Jelani went inside.


2 days later

Nicki was laying in bed just looking at the celling. She wasn't in the mood for anything. Better yet, she just wanted to disappear. That appointment she had a couple of days ago was disturbing her like never. She hadn't said to Drake about going to the doctor. Nor did she talk to him. As a matter of fact, she hasn't really said anything to anybody - just stayed in her room all day. Only came downstairs to fix herself something to eat. Carol thought it was her time of the month, so she just let her daughter be and didn't bother her. Nicki wasn't sure if her life would ever be the same again and how would she deal with this. She knew what was the right thing to do.

First things first, she needed somebody to talk to. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and scrolled down her contacts searching for someone when she heard voices downstairs. She sighed and put her phone back on the nightstand. A few minutes later, her door opened. She pushed the covers down from her face and saw Sherika and Thembi at their door.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" She asked with a grumpy attitude.

"Don't, Onika."

"You're pushing us away and we're not about to have this."

"What do you want." Nicki said getting up and walking into the bathroom. She came back three minutes later and laid on Sherika's lap who started playing with her hair.

"How are you feeling?" Sherika asked.

"Like shit."

"Have you told him yet?"


Thembi looked weird at her. "Your mom?"


"Nic, are you sure you're doing it right?"

"Sure am not. But what am I suppose to do? I can't just come up to them and say 'Mom, Dad, Drake, I'm pregnant.' Hell, they're going to think of me?"

"Might as well be sooner than later. Because people will find out, one way or another. Especially your mother."

"Why my mom, though?"

"The woman has three children. What else do you expect from her?"

"Fair enough. But I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of what would people think. Scared that Drake won't like it. Scared of my mom not supporting me and not understanding."

"Nicki, don't think of what the world would think. This is about you, Drake and this little baby here..." She rubbed Nicki's non visible baby bump. "Mama Carol loves you unconditionally, she wouldn't leave you hanging out like that. And as for Drake, he's a good guy. He'll be by your side." Nicki smiled showing her left dimple. She hugged Sherika and Thembi joined.

"Thank you. You guys are the best."

"Your welcome."

"Now, tell us something. No, everything!"


"How was it?" Thembi and Sherika smirked.

"Y'all nosey as hell. I'm not the one to kiss and tell, but it felt like I was in heaven."

"Oop!" They said it in unison.

"Any plans for tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I never actually went out on Valentine's day. I'm just going to work until 5 then we'll see what we can do."

"You know what we should do? We should all go on a double date."

"But you two are single..."

"So...? Isn't all about being with loved ones?"

"I seriously gotta find my friends some men... Going on a lesbo date on the 14th isn't an option." They all laughed. And so they went on and do about their plans for tomorrow.

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