Chapter 20: It was a mistake

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It's been a week since Nicki mentioned to a soul about her pregnancy. It was such a weight in her conscience, she couldn't take it anymore. Today, she decided to pull herself together and tell him.

After having breakfast, she went straight to his house. She rang the doorbell and Sandi answered. After greeting each other, Nicki went up to his room. Instead of knocking she just walked in.

Drake was sitting on the edge of his bed, headphones on, really focused on the sheet he had on his hands. She guessed he was in the middle of a 'studio session'. She walked up to him and stood in front of him. It wasn't long before he sensed her presence and looked up. He took off his headphones, smiled and hugged her waist.

"Hey bae."


"There's something wrong."

She looked down at him. "You can tell?"

"Of course I can tell. But I won't pressure you, take your time."

"I just wanna cuddle."

"A cuddle you want, a cuddle you'll get." They got in bed and snuggled up to each other for about half an hour until she was ready to talk.

"We need to talk." She said. He smiled with a certain concern. "It's a serious matter. I don't want you to freak out."

"You're already freaking me out. What happened?" She slightly pulled away from his embrace.

"Well, you see... Remember that night on my birthday... I don't know how to say this but... Hmm... I'm pregnant." She waited for his answer as he facial expression was numb. "Drake, did you hear me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, but you need to abort that thing," he said his words so blankly and emotionless that it went through her ears like a sword.

"What? How can you be so cruel. It's your child that's growing inside me."

"A child that I don't want. We didn't plan this. It was a mistake. This wasn't meant to be."

"What do you mean 'it wasn't meant to be'?" She did air quotes.

"This..." He pointed to her stomach. "... Baby thing. You are not suppose to have a child for now."

"So...? This baby was conceived that night we made love."

"Then that was also another mistake." She stared at him for what it seemed like forever. A single tear dropped from her left eye.

"You don't mean that."

"Yes, I do. This baby was a mistake. We can fix it, though."

"No! You can just a abort a baby and say the situation is fixed. It's inhuman and I'm not putting my body through that... What makes you think that you can't handle a baby at this point in your life?"

"I have a reputation to take care of. I don't need a baby. It will ruin my career."

"Oh, you're so worried about your stupid career and I'm the one who has to be here crying about a baby that you made me abort it. Do you think that's okay?" He didn't say anything. "Okay. That's it. I see you don't care about me. I'm done with you. Goodbye." She let her tears fall. She put her hands over her face. Thoughts were running a hundred per minute as she felt embarrassed by moment. Fearful of the future. The thought of raising a child by herself knowing the father didn't want his child broke her heart. She stood from the bed making her way to the door but Drake grabbed her arm.

"Don't be like this."

"Be like what? Like you don't care about me? Like you're not choosing your career over me? Like it's not your fault that I'm pregnant?"

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