Chapter 13

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"What colour are we wearing?"

"Oh, right. I almost forgot." She reached out for a tissue in her nightstand drawer and handed it him.

"What's this for?"

"The colour we are wearing."

"Pink?" She nodded. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely. Make sure to have that exact shade." Drake looked at her weird. "You can wear brown if want."

"A brown suit, white shirt and a pink tie." Both looked to the same side like in the movies trying to imagine Drake's outfit. "Hell no. I guess I have to go shopping tomorrow."

"Yeah, do that. Call your boys, I'll call my girls, then we can meet up for a lunch date."


It was finally Saturday and girls were at Nicki's house to get ready for the night. They spent the afternoon doing each other's hair, makeup, nails and had lunch together. They were engaged in small girly talk when Carol knocked the door then entered the room.

"Girls, your dates are here." The girls squealed and grabbed their phones and purses. They made their way downstairs one by one. First Thembi, then Lauren, Candi, Sherika and Nicki was the last one. She wore a pink sequinned long strapless dress with a side slit, some silver high heels and accessories. Her hair was in it's natural curls and her makeup was as natural as possible.

"I'm lost for words of how sexy you look."

"Why, thank you. And you sir, look so handsome." Nicki said in her British accent fixing his bow tie. She had to confess that seeing him in a tuxedo turned her on.

"I literally tried. I am not feeling the pink."

"You know, you didn't have to wear it."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, As long as you know who you belong to, I don't care what you wear."

"Thank goodness, let me just remove it then."

"Oh, no you won't. Now that I've seen it, you will wear it."

Carol started taking a whole bunch of pictures of them as couples, as a group and friends. She almost cried so everyone hugged her so she wouldn't get sad. Her daughter was going to prom.

When it was time to leave, the girls were surprised they were were going to school by limo.

"I can't believe you guys actually got a limo."

"Yeah. We said we were getting a limo, so we get a limo."

"You wanted a big car so everyone could fit in."

"You got a point there."

"Prom, here we go!"

And so, they drove off. As soon as they got there, they were well greeted by everyone, so bonding wasn't a problem. Dancing, chatting, a little snack here, a little drink there, just enjoying the night away.


"I still can't believe y'all voted for us as prom queen and king." Nicki said playing with her tiara making her way to the limo. It was such a big surprise for her since she wasn't a spotlight kind of person. Yet as for Drake, he was one of most popular people in school, so no big deal for him.

"You're like, the cutest couple in school. What else did you expect?" Lauren said.

"I don't know... One of the cheerleaders maybe."

Dricki: What's Stopping Us जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें