Chapter 33

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After almost a month since Drake filed in for paternity investigation, he was able to now file in for OJ's custody. Their son's name was now officially Odelle Taniel Maraj-Graham. We gathered from the smallest proofs to the biggest diligences, everything that was necessary to carry on with the case.

Today was the last session of this case where they were going to hear the verdict. It was all up to the judge and his sentence. The room was silent as you could only hear whispers. The door opened and the judge came in. Everybody in the room stood as he sat down.

"All rise..." The bailiff said. "This court is now in session, the Honourable Judge Harris presiding."

"... We shall proceed to read the verdict of the case nº 214/2009 - Steve Adams, of Regulation of the the Exercise of Parental Responsibility..."

But before, he went through reading all the record of the case.

"The court finds that there are no conditions for the child's custody to be given to the applicant father, reasons above exposed, the minor's custody remains with the defendant mother. On the behalf of the United States of America,"

Everybody in the court stood.

"... the jury has decide that:
- The minor is in the custody of the defendant mother
- The applicant father is required to give alimony in the amount of a quarter of their monthly income calculated accorded with the law
- The minor has to spend alternated weekends, each with each parent..."

And he kept reading throughout the verdict. When the session was dismissed Nicki was feeling for Drake. Some tough decisions he got there. Once he came out of the office after some last adjustments he was required to do, he walked her over to her car as they talked.

"Happy now?" He asked.

"Don't be asking me, you're the one who signed up for this."

"You said to carry on with it."

"Again, don't blame it on me either. You knew this was coming your way, why so surprised now?"

"Not surprised, though."

"Yeah, whatever..." She said getting in the car. She started it and rolled the window down. "I'll call you on Friday to get yourself together for your weekend with OJ."

She put her sunglasses on and drove off.


Nicki pulled up at Drake's driveway feeling rather nervous. Weird how this was her first time going to his house and he's been at hers plenty of times. She waited until he came outside to help her with OJ's bags.

Once inside, he quickly disappeared into the house then came back a matter of seconds later empty handed. The decoration inside was modern, beige and light brown, it had left Nicki's eyes wandering around.

"Would you like a tour around? I mean, since you're going to come here regularly and all." He offered.

"Sure." They followed behind him as he showed us each compartment, from bedrooms, fancy kitchen, to a game room with the latest technology.

"And finally this is Odelle's room." He opened the door. "I figured I'd have his room next to mine so I can keep an eye on him better." She nodded looking around. He really did a good job put this together. It's similar to his back at his mothers'.

"WOW!" Odelle squealed as he ran up to the double bed and started jumping up and down on it.

"J, stop jumping on the bed, you might fall."

"Let him be. I tested the springs, they're good to go." Drake said.

"But still, those springs can be trippy." Nicki said leaving the room towards the living room with him following right behind.

Dricki: What's Stopping Us Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant