Chapter 32

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Ophelia giggled childishly as Edward kissed all over her face. 

His arms were wrapped around her and his hips pinned her against the side of his silver volvo. He smiled at her happiness and leaned down to capture her lips instead, kissing her fervently. 

Instantly, Ophelia's body melted. Her tiny hands that had previously been at his shoulders moved down his chest, fingertips ghosting over his stomach that was covered with a thin layer of t-shirt fabric. It made Edward shiver and move his own hand to cradle just under her jaw, around her neck gently. 

She pulled away first, a red blush creeping from her cheeks all the way to her ears. "I was only gone for two days," she mumbled breathlessly as he placed a brief kiss to her neck before pulling away also. 

"I made the mistake of being away from you once, I'd rather not waste any more precious time." Edward pecked her forehead and tried helping her into the car. 

"Wait, we're taking Kingsley too!" The dog had been brought with her and her father on the fishing trip, which ended early due to bad weather and Charlie being called into work.

Kingsley, who had been off eating grass a few feet away perked up at the sound of his name, trotting over to get into the backseat of Edward's car as Ophelia held the door open. She smiled innocently at her boyfriend who tried to refrain from shaking his head in disapproval. 

Edward drove in silence for a few moments, hand placed on Ophelia's thigh. He could tell something was bothering her, but wasn't quite sure what. 

"What are you thinking?" 

Ophelia dropped her hand on top of his, curling it around and squeezing anxiously. 

"About what we're gonna do." 

It took him a moment, but it clicked. "We don't have to worry about that right now." 

"Yes we do. We've been putting it off, only talking about it for short periods of time and then stopping so we don't argue. It's time, Edward," Ophelia spoke. "You said it yourself you don't want to waste time." 

"That doesn't mean turn you into a monster," his grip tightened on the wheel.

She sighed, trying to compose herself enough to not let the 'monster' comment ruin her point. "If I stay human, our time will be brief and numbered. Every day is questionable. If let's say I do make it to be an old lady, what then? I can't be an eighty year old woman dating a seventeen year old high schooler. And before you say you're older, I know that but the law doesn't." She rushed everything out, trying to stop him before he could shut it down.

Edward didn't say anything for a minute so she continued. "Edward, I love you. So much. I just want to be with you. I know you say you can't take my soul, but what would be the point in me living and dying if what you say is true. If you were to go and die also, I would never get to be with you again. What's an eternity in the afterlife alone compared to an eternity here, with you."

Her heart ached thinking of being apart from him, but it couldn't hide the fact that Ophelia's family meant everything to her.

"I'm not saying we have to do it right now or completely decide, but please stop shutting my feelings out just because it's hard for you. It isn't fair," she murmured.

Edward finally looked over at her, looking over her face. He hadn't realized how much it pained her when he didn't listen to her opinion. He pulled their intertwined hands up and kissed the back of hers. 

"You're right. I'm sorry I wasn't listening before. Please forgive me?" 

The Cullen household was chaotic. When Ophelia walked through the door with Edward, Alice was already hugging her, Jasper was standing nervously beside Emmett, both of whom were still waiting for the human to go home and realize what they had done. 

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