Chapter 50

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Edward couldn't help but smile.

Watching as his wife walked around the garden of the old folks home with Mr. Stevens, he found himself in awe of her beauty once again. Aside from her physical being, the way she carried herself was different. The powerful love that constantly radiated out of her was like a powerful aura, stretching out to greet anyone that crosses her path.

And once again, Edward was convinced that Ophelia Cullen was in fact some kind of angel.

Just as Ophelia whispered bashfully that her husband had arrived, Kingsley wiped his slobber covered smile on Edward's pants as some sort of greeting. He cringed, brows furrowed slightly as he gave a single pat to the giant dog's head. As Mr. Steven's watched the couple walk away, he couldn't help but chuckle at how old fashioned the two looked - strolling down the scenic pathway, arms linked and loving smiles plastered upon their faces.

Ophelia felt strange. While she was anxious for what was to come for her new family now that Jasper and Alice had vanished, she somehow found solace in the fact that her sister in law would never do such a thing without having a good reason.

Ophelia held that thought in her chest tightly, wrapped around her heart in hopes of it bringing her peace throughout these confusing times. As she gripped Edwards arm a little tighter, he became cognizant of the way her face scrunched in the slightest, inadvertently showing how deep she was in her thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" The gentle yet soothing touch of his fingertips smoothed over the tension in her forehead before coming down to cradle her cheek.

Ophelia breathed in deeply, accepting his touch gratefully and leaning into his hand further. "It's gonna rain."

The vampire laughed at her simplicity, knowing that her statement had nothing to do with whatever thoughts were bouncing around in her head. Kingsley, who was growing rather impatient with the couple, demanded he get more attention from his owner.

And that's how Ophelia and Kingsley ended up in the grocery store. They began to peruse the aisles for treats and toys, Ophelia feeling bad for having not taken the big dog on her honeymoon.

"Ophelia Swan? Is that you?" A familiar voice rang out. The girl from biology she had helped so long ago, was standing beside her with a large smile on her face. "I'm Sarah. I know you probably don't remember me but I just wanted to say how much I appreciated you helping me that day in Bio class. I swear I would've failed without you," she laughed.

Ophelia shook her head, eyes twinkling at the wholesomeness of the moment. "You don't give yourself enough credit. You were the eyes of the operation."

The two laughed together. "You're pregnant," Ophelia mumbled gleefully.

Sarah blinked, confused but not surprised at how she knew, but shook it off nevertheless. "I am. Would you like to feel the kicks?"

It was the strangest feeling - definitely one Ophelia had never felt before as she lay her hand across the swollen belly. Little thumps pressing up into her palm as if in greeting, sending vibrations up her arm and straight into her heart.

"That's amazing. Do you know what you're having?"

"No," Sarah replied shyly. "I wanted it to be a surprise." Ophelia hummed in response with a small smile on her face

"It's pouring outside!" Edward scolded his wife.

Ophelia stood in the yard of the Cullen family home, barefoot and being pelted with raindrops. She wiggled her toes in the dirt, the tips of her white dress stained from the earth and her hair sticking to her forehead.

Edward wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her under the shelter of some tree branches. "I love this weather." Ophelia murmured, pressing herself back further into her lover's embrace.

"I love my beautiful wife, healthy, and not sick from hanging in the rain all evening," Edward joked back, kissing her neck softly.

She sighed, "It does suck a little that we had to cut our vacation so short."

The vampire smirked, tightening his hold on her and kissing her neck once more. "Who's to say we can't continue it here?"

"Emmett and Rose are home!"

"Let's just call it payback for the past 71 years." 

Thank you all so much for being so incredibly patient with my uploads. I've been struggling really hard and going through a lot of changes so writing was something I couldn't seem to find the energy to do. But thank you to those of you that patiently waited and supported me despite that. I truly appreciate you <3

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