Chapter 54

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It was quiet. 

The air was cool, no sudden breezes or extra intakes of breaths not needed from the vampires that stood around. No noise made even from the sleeping dog that laid his huge head on his owners lap. Everything was still, as though the slightest movement or sound would set everything ablaze. 

It was thick, the nerves that climbed up Edwards throat as he seethed where he stood - away from Ophelia. 

Eyes almost black, pupils dilated though not from hunger. Anger hovered over his head like a storm cloud, and for once in his second life he was grateful that his wife could not see because if she could - she'd see him for what he truly was. 

A vampire. 

A monster. 

Blood sucker, leech, killer. The list goes on and on. 

No matter the nights spent arguing, debating, or simply talking she had not been able to convince him otherwise. And yet there she sat across the room from him, hair framing her beautiful face and hands fiddling with the lace trim of her pretty little dress, telling him that it was time. 

If he was human his heart would be beating a million times a minute.

Edward wasn't necessarily angry with Ophelia herself; he knew the time would come when they'd have to face the music and push forward. Fangs to neck, venom to bloodstream all that jazz. However, he wasn't expecting his pretty girl to walk down the steps of the Swan home, dry tears still clung to her face from previous crying, clutching a note in the palm of her hand. 

A family meeting had been called, everyone moving over to the Cullen's as they awaited for someone to say something. 

Instead, Ophelia sat there with dazed eyes, and Edward stood in his spot farthest away from her trying to formulate anything else. 

"Opie?" Bella called quietly, to which Ophelia turned her head with a small smile, her hand reaching out to clasp her sister's that was right beside her. Bella's chocolate brown eyes stared deeply into her sisters hazely green, and unlike so many months prior when Edward had compared her little gold flecks to stars, Bella was comparing them to the Cullen's. 

Perhaps it had been a sign all along. 

"I love you," Bella breathed out. She was struggling to formulate words, as if she hadn't been preparing for this day to come along with everyone else. With the impending drama that was Alice and Jasper being missing, and their father disappearing, Bella hadn't expected this to come to light so soon. 

"I love you too Bells." 

Ophelia's kind and loving heart could be heard by all of the Cullen's, but the rhythmic thumping made Edward feel worse. The thought of it not beating anymore sent his head spinning, and his own unbeating heart aching. 

Carlisle's hand came down on Edward's shoulder, an understanding in his eyes as his son finally tore his eyes off Ophelia. A thought was shared, though Edward immediately shook his head and shrugged his hand off. 

No one was going to be changing her except him.  

A single torn out piece of paper with the words 'trust me' in braille had fallen from the little old radio.

It could mean anything, right? At least that's what Edward thought until his wife claimed it meant it was in fact time to change her. 

There was no pleading to be done, no reasoning, which he knew. Something was happening and they all knew it. Logically he knew it was the right thing, but guilt flooded through his system as he watched Ophelia cuddle up next to her sister. 

Ophelia wasn't upset when her husband left for a hunt shortly after. She wasn't hurt that she could feel the despondency dripping off of him from across the room. The thought nearly made her lips quirk up in a small smile, thinking about how poor Jasper would have been drowning with Edward's extra brooding nature if he was here. 

She sighed, curling up in the bed in their room,  face shoved in Edward's pillow specifically as if to get closer to him and his scent. She wasn't sure when exactly she had fallen asleep, but the rush of wind and the cold hand of her husband running up and down her back woke her up. 

Edward sighed, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before hugging her close. Mumbling into her skin he apologized, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I knew you'd need some time to have your own thoughts." 

Her hand traced his jaw just like always, and he smiled at all the times she'd gush over how sharp it was. From his jaw to his hair she ran her fingers through, massaging at his head to soothe him even further until he gave in completely. 

Kisses traced up her collarbone and neck until he got to her face, his nose brushing against hers and he could hear her heart rate pick up. Not to mention the obvious blush that came across her pale skin. 

Once again he sighed and rolled over on his back, though there was no escaping Ophelia as she caught him by wrapping her legs around his waist and rolling with him - now perched above him and his hands clutching at her thighs to make sure she wouldn't fall over. 

"Nuh uh. Talk loverboy," she pressed. Though her tone was joking, they both knew he had a million things to say but also nothing at all. 

Which would also be easier to get out if he didn't have a literal goddess straddling him. 

"I just -" he pushed his head back into the pillow, hands rubbing up and down her thighs only causing her to shiver. "I don't want you to regret it, I suppose. I couldn't live with myself if I turned you and one day, despite how happy I could try to make you, you'd be on the same boat as Rosalie. Somewhat happy but not content. I couldn't handle taking so much away from you and you regretting it."

"Edward," Ophelia said softly, her hands coming to cradle his face and kiss him deeply. She pulled back enough to lean her forehead against his. "I could never regret being able to spend forever with you. I'm not saying everything will be perfect. Just that no matter whats going on now, or 20 years from now, this was going to have to happen anyway. And I'm happy with my decision." 

Her lips ghosted over his once more, and his hands went up to grip her hips in warning as she whispered against him, "And I really want you to be the one to do it." 

Edward groaned dramatically, tossing his head back once again. 


Everybody get ready cuz VAMPIRE OPIE VAMPIRE OPIE 

Next chapter lovlies <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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