Chapter 19

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Ophelia's birthday night hadn't ended on the best note. 

Edward practically refused to touch or speak to her the entire ride home, even refusing to come up while she slept. 

After that the rest of the night was mostly spent in Bella's arms, crying and receiving gentle words along with aggressive threats towards her boyfriend from her sister. Lots of cuddles from Kingsley of course, and even though she was angry at Edward, Ophelia still left her window open in case he changed his mind. 

The following day, Ophelia was miserable at school, choosing to have Bella drop her off during lunch. 

She could feel it. Feel him as soon as she made her way closer to the door. 


"We need to talk," he said quietly and she scoffed, feeling frustrated that when she wanted to talk it had been pushed aside and now he wants to do it. 

He grabbed her hand before she could put the key in the door, stopping her so he could speak. "My family and I are leaving. We won't be coming back." 

Ophelia stopped. 

She ripped her hand out of his grasp, pushing the key into the door roughly and walking through, slamming the door shut behind her. 

Edward stood on the porch, jaw hung open as he heard her footsteps stomp up to the stairs before he followed quickly, confused as to what was going on. 

He wasn't sure if he should just leave like that, but his body disagreed and pulled him up the stairs, demanding to understand what the Swan girl was thinking. 

Ophelia was in her room, unpacking her schoolbag when she knew he walked back in. "Did you not hear me?" The vampire asked, to which she ignored. 

In truth, Ophelia was terrified that if she spoke, she'd break. And the last thing she wanted to do was break in front of Edward knowing that he was going to leave anyway. 

"Carlisle is supposed to look older than he is, and people are getting suspicious. So we're leaving." Edward's brows furrowed, watching the girl as she took a swig from her reusable water bottle before taking off her heavy coat. "Aren't you gonna say anything?" 

All at once, she stopped. In an eerily calm way she walked over to her wall that had clips of a bunch of art she drew or painted, hand trailing over different parchment until she found the right one; a picture she drew of him. Snatching it from it's place, she stomped over to Edward, slamming it into his chest. He allowed her to keep pushing on his chest until he was no longer standing in her room. 

"You broke it." 

With her final three words she slammed the door to her room in what she hoped was his face before sliding her back down, coming to a seated position on the floor. 

Ophelia could hear the door shut downstairs and she knew that was it. Edward Cullen was gone, and he wasn't coming back. 

Standing up, she felt hot tears drip down her face, staining her cheeks and forming a lump in her throat. She made her way over to her art wall and began ripping anything she thought could be correlated to him down, a sob escaping her as she moved on to pushing things off her desk and moving over to the stuff on her nightstand. 

In a disheveled mess, she threw whatever she could towards her wall before collapsing back to the floor and releasing any leftover tears. 

Bella hadn't even made it through the door when Kingsley came running towards her, howling bloody murder. 

"What do you want? You know I only tolerate you." 

Kingsley howled and barked more, running up the stairs and scratching furiously at a door. "Opie," Bella whispered, running clumsily up the stairs to where Kingsley cried, previous scratches littering the door indicating how long it must have been since he first started. 

Bella opened the door forcefully, nearly tripping on the heap that was her sister. Ophelia's room was a mess, but she by far was the worst. 

"Opie, oh my god! What happened? Come on, talk to me," Bella grabbed her sister, Kingsley shoving his nose in the way trying to sniff all over the poor girl. 

"He left." 

"What?" Bella asked, not hearing her the first time. 

"He promised and then he left anyway," Ophelia whispered again, fresh tears streaming down her face again. 

Bella quickly pulled her sister into her embrace, rocking her back and forth and soothing her as best as she could. 

And all Bella could think about was how badly she wanted to kill Edward Cullen for breaking her baby sister's heart. 

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