Chapter 17

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Edward watched as Ophelia tried to keep her giggles quiet. 

She had stayed up way too late, and got up way too early. So now, in a haze of sleepiness, she's stumbling around aimlessly in the kitchen so she could surprise Bella with birthday breakfast. 

"You're gonna wake the others up," Edward grimaced. Once again she had come dangerously close to tripping and burning herself with the hot pan she was holding. 

"Well I'm not doing anything wrong. You're the one who can't be seen," she sassed back, stirring the waffle batter. "Oh I need to make coffee. I know what you're gonna say, but I promise not to drink the whole pot in one day this time." 

"I've already made you a coffee, love." He came from behind her, taking the hot pan out of her hand and placing it down and handed her a travel cup he brought with him from home instead. In truth, Edward didn't make it. Esme made it with the fancy machine they bought awhile ago. It seemed as though no matter how many times his mother tried to show him how she did it, he never made it correctly and Ophelia could always tell. But Esme always made it perfectly, never forgetting the sprinkle of cinnamon Ophelia liked on top of the foam.

She let out a groan that nearly made Edward shift uncomfortably, leaning back into his embrace. "How do you always make it so much better than me?" 

He chuckled, kissing the top of her head before releasing her. 

Ophelia went back to work on breakfast, making more of a mess than food. She cut up some fruit which made Edward clench his fists tightly. But the last straw was when she accidentally burnt her hand on the pan, dropping it on the floor with a small "ouch". 

"Alright, I think that's enough chef Opie for today. You could serve Bella the leftover crust from your sandwich and she'd still thank you and tell you she loved you." 

Ophelia bit her lip, playing absentmindedly with the bottom of the apron she was wearing. "I just wanted to make her something special. And dad never eats a good breakfast before he goes to work." 

Edward grabbed her hand and tilted her chin up, kissing her softly which she melted into gratefully. Pulling away his cold hand cradled her face. "You know it's your birthday too." 

"I know. But I wouldn't be anything without her. She always tells me how strong I am but never realizes that part of my strength comes from her."

He listened intently, eyebrows furrowed and thumb stroking her cheek. "Well she's waking up now. Just in time for you to tell her. I'll turn off the stove." 

She didn't need to be told twice, happily climbing the stairs and barging into her sister's room. Ophelia waited for a moment to hear if she was awake and instead climbed onto the bed, hand feeling around for Bella. When she found her she cuddled up closely like she did when they were little. Most people, especially herself, get a little violent when woken up by someone. There may have been a trip to the emergency room when she had gotten a little too aggressive when Bella woke her up for school one time. But Bella always knew when it was her Opie and welcomed her with warm arms every time. 

"Good morning Opie," Bella yawned, hugging her tighter. 

"Happy birthday Bells. I made you and dad breakfast." 

"What are we waiting for then?" 


Later in the school day, after being told by Alice that there was a birthday party to attend that evening, Ophelia convinced her boyfriend to skip the last class. 

Sitting in their meadow, Ophelia had just finished another painting when she leaned back against Edward's chest. 

"I told you the story was gruesome. How could you possibly look at me the same way?" Edward grunted in irritation. He had just told her about his rebellious years, and she had listened with an open heart and mind. He didn't know what compelled him to share such a thing he swore to never speak of, to her of all people, but he did. 

She whipped around, pushing him so that she straddled his lap as if that would stop him from escaping her vice grip. If he was human, his face would probably be blushing brighter than all the Swan's combined. 

"How long did it take for James to think about killing me that day we played baseball?" 

"Less than a second." 

"And what did you think?" 

"That if he tried to harm you I would kill him." 

"Exactly. And if there were vampires running around killing a bunch of humans you wouldn't hesitate to stop them, right?" She asked innocently.

"I suppose." 

"It's the same thing. Regardless of if their hearts were still beating, whether they were human or vampire, they were hurting innocent people and you stopped them. Being alive doesn't make us innocent. Just because we are human doesn't make us any less responsible for the awful things we do. It doesn't exclude us from being the real monsters."

Ophelia continued before he could interrupt, "I'm not trying to say all vamps are good but listen. Vampires have something that we don't; power. They kill humans to eat, they turn humans because they are lonely or selfish and dumb. Because they think we are beneath them, and in a way we are. But we don't have an excuse for what we do to each other. We're all on the same level. There is no one below us. So humans will break each other down and kill one another or do awful things in an attempt to feel powerful, or just something at all. You call yourself a monster because you're different and the things you've done. If you're a monster simply for being different, what are us humans if we are all the same yet still do worse things than you?"  

He pondered the thought for a moment before a short kissed was placed on his lips and she pulled away from him and began packing up her paintbrushes. "Now we've gotta birthday party to attend and if I show up in paint covered clothes Alice will kill me."

"What just happened?" Edward mumbled to himself. 

I was harshly reminded while reading a book that triggered me badly yesterday (to the point where I had a nightmare about something I'd rather not remember) that it's okay to take a break. 

Please please take a break from any of my books you may be reading if they have something that may be triggering you. You can always come back,  read in increments, or even not at all.

Be safe, and remember to take care of yourself and your mental health. You are important.


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