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Okay. So, hello.

Ini bukan update, bukan chapter 24, tapi please kalo kalian udah ngeklik this thing and read it until this far, please continue to read it.

Jadi, di sini aku cuma mau memberitahu kalo aku bakal nge-hold fanfic ini lagi, I will put it on hold. But I won't just put 'on hold' next to my fanfic's title out of nowhere, all of sudden. I will explain the reason so you guys will understand. Agak alay ya emang hehee tapi gimana ya, I just feel the need to explain all of this shit to you guys setelah dua minggu /atau tiga ya?/ nggak update.

Well, SMA itu ternyata sibuk banget, like literally sibuk banget. On the first semester, I tried to balance my normal-student-life and my-fanfiction-writer-life, and it didn't even get balanced. Prestasi di sekolah ya kurang sesuai yang diharapkan, update fanfic jadi sebulan sekali... It was a little messed up. Jadi pas kemarin liburan semester dan aku bisa update 3 chapters ya kalo nggak salah, I considered myself as very, very lucky.

Tapi sekarang udah semester 2, and I have tons of responsibilities to do. Dan bebannya juga bukan cuma dari serangan tugas yang bertubi-tubi, but also from organizations, clubs, and competitions. I always think that my fanfiction is a part of my responsibilities, and it is, but it is a responsibility yang bisa dikesampingkan, jadi aku mohon kalian maklum.

So, yeah, karena berbagai kesibukan itu, aku nggak ada waktu buat nulis, dan waktu aku berusaha maksain diri buat nulis, hasilnya tuh hambar banget. Nggak ada feels-nya sama sekali, nggak ada gregetnya. Dan aku nggak bakalan ngepost something yang aku sendiri aja pas nulis nggak bisa dapet feels-nya. Nggak akan.

But I will promise you guys that I will try my best to finish this story (aku udah punya plot sampe ending, tapi sekarang keadaan nggak memungkinkan buat aku nulis fanfic ini dengan lancar), but I can't promise you guys when I will I update the story again. I don't ask you guys to promise me something, but I do hope that you guys will always stick with me through this tough times, I do hope that when I finally update this story, you guys will still feel the excitement and the feels. Tapi aku mohon doa kalian yaa biar masa sulit ini /wuidiih bahasanyaa/ won't last too long dan waktu aku balik, aku bakal balik dengan seabrek updates!:-)

Anyway, if you want to talk to me about anything like fanfictions or fangirl things or whatever, just say hi to me on line /my line id is mauriz.ka/

Sooo yeah, itu aja yang bisa aku jelasin. I'm really really sorry, but I hope you guys will understand.

Love always,


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