t w e n t y - s i x

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Peter was on his way to Liz's house on the other side of town, but I was heading right downstairs to Ms. Farina's to get ready myself. The night was still young and some Italian food was calling my name.

Knocking lightly on the door, it opened almost immediately to show a very excited woman. Her hair was pretty frazzled, as if showing how much she worked on the dress, but the smile showed it was never a bother.

"You're here! Oh, I'm so excited to be helping you tonight. It's almost like doing it all over again," Ms. Farina said with a sigh. "Leave your stuff there. We have a dress to try on."

"Is there any way I could eat some of your amazing pasta before getting ready?" I asked.

"No! You have to fit into this dress first. I've seen you with my cooking." She tsked me as she walked down the small hallway towards her bedroom.

Saddened, I followed her into an organized bedroom. By the window, there was a beautiful tea length dress atop a torso mannequin. The royal blue fabric crossed around the shoulders to create an A-line neckline. The skirt naturally fell without any extra tulle or crinoline; just the thicker fabric. I've always found that stuff itchy anyways.

"I adjusted it to match your size and took out the crinoline to make the skirt less full. Figured it wasn't your style," she said with a shrug. Her face lit up as if reminded. "I also added pockets because we all know those are a saving grace to a dress."

In awe, I breathed out a thank you.

"Well don't just stand there in the doorway like a cow! Come get dressed; we don't have all day, you know."

Getting dressed wasn't the problem, it was Ms. Farina trying to decide how to stylize my hair. Mostly, I just leave it a mess and don't give a shit, but I guess I needed to match the dress. We ended up going with a formal style that suited my hair best and left it at that. In passing, she also mentioned that the silver bracelets I'd chosen worked well with the dress and I just silently nodded along.

Make-up on, all that was left was me putting on some shoes. I grabbed my white converse that had been left by the door and knew immediately I was getting a disapproving look from Ms. Farina, but she said nothing.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you there?" she asked.

"You've done more than enough for me. I never get enough chances to say thank you. I'll be okay. It's only a fifteen minute walk from here." Tying the bow on my shoe, I stood to face Ms. Farina. "Thank you again, I really do appreciate it."

"Aw," she waved her hand, "it was nothing special. You need to get going though. You don't want to be late!"

I was then promptly shoved out the apartment complex door and into the cool air of the evening. Shivering slightly, I realized I should've brought a jacket.

Thanks to the clocks being moved back an hour, I was walking in the dark with street lamps and bright signs to guide me. It didn't take me long to adjust though; my feet have walked this route too many times to count.

The cars rushed past on their own ways to who knows where, but something seems off. It seems too calm for a New York Friday night. Damn, I'm kind of wishing I could have some Spidey-senses to give me a better sense as to what's off.

The hairs on my neck raise at the slightest noises and I turn to face my attacker. It must be one of Pigeon Man's men with the kind of tech he's got on his arms. Kneeing him in the stomach, I pushed him away and tried to keep him down with what I could do.

Nothing seems to be going my way though and he powered up his contraption, before launching it straight into my stomach. Stumbling back into a brick wall behind me, I prayed that I'm not ruining Ms. Farina's beautiful dress.

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