t h i r t y - e i g h t

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So, I have a couple of quick announcements. I tested positive today, so I'm stuck in my room for a while. Guess it's time to binge some animes.

I also wanted to inform you all that @FZeroTrash and I are moving to Florida and retiring because DBQs suck, among other reasons. Our plastic flamingos will be dressed seasonally to match holidays and it'll be great.

8 Months Later:

My pencils were scattered everywhere across a mismatched wooden table of the art room. Peter and Ned sat across the way, talking about our upcoming "science" trip to Europe.

Most of their conversation had been tuned out. I had music on, playing through my earbuds, and I think they realized that much when I wasn't contributing.

I've been working on our latest assignment of a memoriam for the heroes we lost in battle. It was the last assignment of the year and most had already turned it in, covering the back wall of the classroom.

I had decided to put my use of colored pencils and a bit of water to the test to get smoother tones on Captain America's suit as well as Iron-man's. Though this method took some time, it worked pretty well.

Happy with my results, I waved my hands back and forth, trying to speed up the already short drying process. My next few moments were spent cleaning up my mess, but I decided to unplug the earbuds and listen in on Ned and Peter's conversation.

"Oh, you forgot about step seven," Ned added.

"Step seven, yeah." Peter prepared to write down the steps in his notebook.

"Don't do any of that."

Peter straightened out into a straight deadpan. "Why?"

"I can't be a bachelor in Europe alone!"

Rolling my eyes, I stood to turn my work in. They were probably just having stupid conversation again, like most days. On return though, I saw MJ had joined the conversation, and they were talking more about some plan.

"I agree with Peter, Ned. His plan is much more logical than yours," MJ commented.

"What kind of plans are we talking about?" I asked, coming up from behind.

"Ned wants to collect tiny spoons in Europe."

"Oh? That's an interesting choice." I patted him on the back while saying, "Good for you, Ned."

Everyone let out audible sighs as soon as I started walking away and I immediately knew something was up, but chose to ignore it. I'm sure they'd tell me what's up soon enough.

Later that night, I was sitting backstage as Peter and May were out talking to a crowd. Peter asked me to come as support because he wasn't used to speaking for crowds.

After some very awkward talking from Spider-man, both reappeared from in front of the curtain. High-fiving and celebrating their success.

Looking up, I heard May say, "You were a little stiff."

"I- Yeah, I felt that too."

"A little?" I asked, laughing a bit.

"That's fine. You did great," she ended.

I zoned out again as they began discussing minor details about the trip. Most of it was already stuff I had been through time and again with Ms. Farina.

There was a clattering from behind and we all turned to watch Happy struggle to get through with an enormous check.

"Hey, Happy!" Peter exclaimed.

Infelicity [P. Parker x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ