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The worst part of waking up in the morning is remembering you have to go to school. The alarm clock blaring; unfinished assignments on the desk; your laptop open from where you were watching Netflix or YouTube.

I groggily stood and my head pulsed from the sunlight coming through the window. Turning on my phone, I saw some messages from MJ from around two a.m.

Book Lover (***-***-****)


You know, I did tell you not to get attached

Yes, yes. It'll only cause future pain.

I do it too
I understand your pain
I got too attached to Fred Weasley
And we all know how that went. . .

May all characters killed by bored authors rest in peace and continue to be loved by all readers

Closing out my phone, I went to get dressed and stuff the remaining assignments, binders, and textbooks into my book bag. I also grabbed the next book in the series MJ is reading, knowing I'll get it back by tomorrow.

The kitchen was empty, but there was a pot of coffee left from who knows when. I grabbed a granola bar and an apple and headed on my way towards the train.

I was actually on time for once, so I don't have to worry about rushing. There were fewer people on the train than usual. It was kind of weird, but I didn't think much of it. I must have been earlier than normal.

Walking through the halls, I was shoved around, as usual, and tried to make my way to my locker. I don't use it, but it's a good meet-up point for everyone since Peter's locker is next to mine.

Flash strode up next to me and said, "Sup, loser."

I sighed, "Can't you think of a better greeting than that? I mean, you are going to a school for smart kids. Oh wait, hold on. Your parents must have paid you to be here because your vocabulary only consists of maybe five words tops."

"And what might those words be?" he asked, clearly annoyed.

"Sup, loser, penis, Parker, and no. The 'and' is not included."


I tapped my finger on my temple, grinning, and walked away. I scanned the hallway close to the lockers and saw Ned and Peter chatting away. "Hey guys. What're you talking about?"

"Hey, (Y/N)! We were just talking about how you covered for Peter yesterday. How did you know he was on a call?" Ned asked.

"I don't even think Peter knew he was supposed to be on a call yesterday."

I hope that was enough to get me off the conversation topic.

"I didn't. I mean- yes I did. Of course I did," Peter stumbled out.

"Uh huh. Then why did you look so surprised when I said that?"

"Because I didn't think you knew!"

"Sure, boy wonder, sure." I walked off to my first class in hopes of getting away from that conversation even though I know Peter is bound to follow; he's in my first class.

A hand grabbed me and I'm pulled into an empty classroom.

How is there an empty classroom during first period? What is his luck that the one classroom that happens to be empty is right next to where I was walking? It's like I'm in a book or something. Maybe I'm even pulling a Deadpool right now. . .

"(Y/N), are you in there?" Peter asked me.

"Oh, were you talking to me?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. That's kind of the point of me pulling you into an empty classroom."

"So, why the hell did you pull me in here? You know we have a biology test in about five minutes and she doesn't let you take it if you walk in late."

"I wanted to ask you a very important question," He sighed, and stood there for a minute, staring off into space. Did I break him? I didn't say anything, did I?

"Earth to Peter?"

No response. Maybe I did break him.

"Houston, we have a problem. Peter? Are you in there buddy?" I snapped my fingers trying to gain his attention. He comes out of his little trance and looks me dead in the eyes. Uncomfortable much? "Um, did you have something to ask me, Peter?"

"Yes. Uh, do you know?" He looked at me with those eyes like he's hinting at something huge. "Did Ned tell you?"

"Did Ned tell me what?"

"So you don't know."

"I don't know the context you are referring to, which is making it hard for me to give you an honest answer. What if you're talking about how I know about your crazy obsession with dumpster diving for computer parts? Or how you seem to buy at least seven book bags a year lately? Or maybe, it's something else? What are you hiding from me, Parker?"

"You know, the reason why you covered for me when MJ started asking questions."

"Parker, just spit it out. I know at this point you're hiding something from me and apparently Ned knows about it too. I may or may not know what you are referring to, so you're going to have to tell me about it anyway."

He started pacing the room. He and the Peters in his head must be conversing. His brow furrowed, deep in thought, and he actually looks kind of cute.

Wait. What am I saying? Stupid brain; he's just a friend.

"Ok, here goes nothing. I'm sure you were bound to find out at some point in time anyway," He spat out, clearly nervous.

I raised my eyebrows. He's actually going to tell me?

"I'm Spiderman."

Silence rang through the classroom.

He actually did it. I was beyond shocked that he'd actually admit it.

"Oh my god." I leaned back against the desk behind me.

"What? Are you ok? You look shocked. Does that mean you didn't know?" He began to pace the room again and I smiled. He stopped and looked back at me confused to see a smile. "So did you know? Or is this news to you?"

"I knew."

I didn't really want to lie and say I didn't know. That would be worse. I'd just keep some details out.

"What? How?"

"Um, your voice kind of gave it away. Not sure if you noticed, but your voice isn't exactly what one would imagine for the 'amazing' Spider-man."


"Hey, we'd better hurry if we want to make that biology test in time, even though I'd rather be doing anything but that," I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the door of the classroom.

"Ok. Yeah, the biology test."

Infelicity [P. Parker x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now