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A/N: I would like to give a huge thanks to re_vxnger for all of the support she's given to this story!

The school year flew by pretty fast. I had my exams, which I did well in all, and the last couple days of school were already here. The teachers had pretty much given up on trying to teach us anything.

When the last day finally did arrive, everybody was really anxious to get their asses out of the classroom and on planes to exotic places. I'm pretty sure half of the kids said they were going to Europe. Those who weren't traveling were ready to spend their nights partying or out with friends. I was just ready to get away from the rest of them.

My math class was the last class of my freshman year. Almost everyone had tuned out our math teacher the second we got into class because we all knew he would only talk of his ex-wife and their trip to Cancun the year before they broke up.

I looked across the room and saw Peter staring in my direction. Smirking at his dazed look, I pulled out my phone.

Underoos (***-***-****)

Whatcha staring at Peter?
Are you also bored by this week's rendition of "why my ex-wife is amazing"?

The buzz of his phone snapped him out of whatever daze he seemed to be in. He looked down and I'm pretty sure he smiled.

I'm pretty sure we learned more about her than we did Algebra 2
Did you have any plans for the rest of the day?


I have few friends to make plans with
Most days are spent scrolling through the never-ending pages of social media or reading a new book I found

Sounds entertaining
Wanna go get subs from Delmar's?
I've been craving a number 5 for a couple days now

That actually sounds pretty good at the moment

After the mishap with the Harry Potter movie marathon, I've had to tell Stark when I plan to head out with friends. It's not a terrible punishment, but I don't really see why it's needed. I've only accidentally stayed out once.

Sending him a quick text didn't take much time and I looked up at the clock to see if time had gone by any faster. To my surprise, there was only about a minute left. My own head monologues seemed to get me places.

Mr. Weathers seemed un-phased by the anxious students. "...and then I took her out to one of the fanciest restaurants in the city. I think she enjoyed it. She didn't speak to me much- oh my, look at the time. You all can pack up and leave when the bell rings. Hope you all have a great summer vaca-"

The bell rang and the cries of students drifted through the halls, trying to meet up with their friends and get the hell out of here.

I stood from my own chair and walked over to where Peter was now standing. Noticing the difference in our heights, I asked, "Whoa, did you get taller?"

"Mm, no?"

"Hm, it must be because you aren't looking at the ground so much anymore," I pulled at the straps of my bag and smiled.

We walked through the almost empty halls and I grabbed whatever remained in my locker.

"What are you two kids doing here?" An older sounding voice asked. I turn to see Stanley, our janitor, fixing an issue with the water fountain. "You better not be getting into trouble again, Miss. (L/N), I don't want to go tell Ms. Farina about you again."

I chuckled. I do miss seeing him in the apartment building sometimes. "You shouldn't be worried about me, Stan. The one you should be worried about is Peter! He's got connections to Mr. Stank and Spiderman."

"Hoo boy, that's a lot of connections you got there. You got one of those fancy-dancy internships, young man?"

"Oh, yes sir. I help Mr. Stark in the labs sometimes," Peter reddened a bit.

"Well, I won't keep you kids. Have a great summer!"

Delmar's was empty except for us and Mr. Delmar. I went to grab some Cokes and met Peter back at the front, who had two bags of chips.

"The normal, Pete?" Mr. Delmar asked.

"Yes, and don't forget the extra pickles and to smash it down real flat!" He made a little gesture to show smashing a sandwich flat.

"And you?"

"I would like a number five as well, with the extra pickles, but no smashing needed," I looked at Peter and stuck my tongue out at him. Bread is good, there's no reason to smush it down!

"¡Me gusta esta chica! ¿Es tu novia?" He chuckled tallying up the total for our purchase.

"¡Yo deseo!" Peter squeaked out. He pulled out his wallet to pay, but I stopped him, already having cash in hand.

"Tú te das cuenta que estudié francés en la escuela y español aparte," I looked at both of them and Peter looked very shocked. "¿Cuánto para la comida?"

"On the house. You speak the language better than Peter and that's hard to come by these days." Mr. Delmar handed us the subs and we both thanked him for the food.

Once we were outside the store, I asked Peter, "¿Tú deseas?"

His cheeks turned a darker red. "Uh, yeah. You're pretty good at Spanish, by the way, and uh, I don't know what to say about my answer. . . Quick translating?" He mumbled something about being stupid and not knowing how to get around this one.

"Okay," I drew that out, half wishing what I heard wasn't true. "Do you want to go to the comic book store? I have a couple things I'm looking for."

He only responded with a nod. We finished our subs on the walk there and had light conversations about random things.

Before long, we made it to our destination. I loved spending hours searching through the dollar bin section just hoping to find what I'm looking for. I've been collecting a lot of the Captain America comics and almost have a complete set of some of the older ones.

Making my way through the first couple rows, something catches my eye. Oh man will this bloat Peter's ego. Calling him over, he already has a couple comics picked out himself. Most of them were Iron-man though. I point out my findings, "My, my. Spiderman is gaining some popularity! You got yourself a comic book!"

Peter's eyes widened in shock, "Wow, I guess he is."

"Now I have to get it! Let's see what 'The Amazing Spiderman' is up to in his very first issue." I grabbed a copy and made my way to the back of the store where the dollar comics were.

After getting through a couple of bins, I was able to snag two Captain America comics I didn't have, a Deadpool I hadn't read, and some of the filler crossover comics including Cloak & Dagger.

Peter had paid for his three he had grabbed from the newer collections and I was not far behind with mine.

Exiting the store, Peter said, "I'm glad we could do this today. I had a lot of fun, and a bit of embarrassment from Mr. Delmar's."

"I did too. We should do it again sometime." I tugged again on my backpack straps.

Why is all of a sudden awkward? It's never been like this before. Shit. Am I getting sick? Who gets sick in the summer? Actually, I did once. Not really sure how that happened.

"Do you want me to walk you back to the train station?"

"Yeah, sure."

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