Can i please get some pickles on my big mac🥲

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Here's the chapter yall been waiting for see I do keep my promises 😔 and y'all thought I would forget🙄

Mike pov:

We all headed out to one of the restaurants my mom used to go since my mom has a lots of friends over there. We all got out of the car and went in front of the building. There was a long ass line with lots of people waiting outside i guess they were packed.

Me: Maybe we should go to another restaurant

Kai: we cant we already sent the driver away

Mike: thats a long ass line tho

Jayden: we already told them we were coming

Vallyk: alright then lets just skip everybody in the line

Nova: you cant just do that

Me: exactly

Kai: ill just call and tell them we here

Mike: why? Do we have business here?

Jayden: dad told us to come here because we have to meet someone here.

Leilani: can we go in already im hungry asf

Derek: nah you jus a big bitch

Leilani: okay and what about it let me be a big bitch

Nova grabbed Derek by the collar and started ruffling his hair up.

Derek: Aye aye chill my curls

Nova: then be nice

Jayden: lets go inside they said we can past through.

We walked to the front of the line and a 2 big body ass niggas were standing in the front which im guessing they security or sum.

??: name?

Kai: Garcia

They looked at the list and let us all through except leilani and the girls.

Vallyk: they with us let them in

??: We cant do that

Leilani: you got the wrong one i am not the one to play with

One of them grabbed leilani by the wrist and shoved her

??:i dont have time for your shit little girl

My hands started to clench into fist and started chuckling a lil. Before I did sum Derek put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me in the eye like he was telling me to wait.

Kai: hold up did you just touch my sista?

??: your sister-

Jayden: mike

He looked at me and gave me the signal with his eyes and i knew exactly what he was talking about.

Me: let them through so i dont have to do this

??:No can do they are not on the list

Me: im not asking again i already warned you leilani nova and tiana move out the way

They moved and i quickly took out my gun and pointed at his head and when it looked like they was reaching for sum derek and vallyk pulled out there guns too.

Mike: i asked nicely the first time but you didnt listen and im kinda in a rush now and your wasting my time

??: who even are you?

I smirked then laughed

Mike: if i tell you ill probably have to kill you since someone is looking for me and i cant trust you

Euphoria🕺🏽!  (UnContinued) for now.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt