The mall

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Leilani's pov:

I woke up at 1:45 pm in the afternoon. At first i was shocked but then i thought fuck it. I took a shower put my hair into a bun and wore this fit:

I was happy today because my brothers said they would take me to the mall today so I can shop

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I was happy today because my brothers said they would take me to the mall today so I can shop. I went downstairs seeing Mike and brothers downstairs talking.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" Kai asked. My smile started to fade.

"Bruh please tell me y'all playin with me" I said. They paused for a second thinking about what I just said. Then they realized what i meant

"Oh shit lani we forgot" Jay said.

"Dad needs us to settle some business down in the trap house," Kai said.

"But yall promised me" I pouted. They looked at each other than looked at mike

"What?" mike said. Took his stupid ass a minute but he finally got the hint.

"Oh hell naw i'm not taking your sister shoppin"he said

"Please dawg ion want her to be mad at us" Jay said

"I was supposed to go with yall tho" Mike said

"I'll tell my dad he'll understand just don't leave her alone" kai said

"Fine" Mike groaned as he walked out the door. At first i just stood there, then mike popped his head at the door and said

"Is you coming shordy or nah?" I smiled and kissed my brothers on the cheek and left. As soon as i got into the car i said

"Don't be calling me shordy"

"You can't tell me what I can't say" he chuckled.

"Nigga my name is leilani not shordy" i shouted

"WHO THE FUCK IS YOU YELLING AT?" he said looking at me

"NIGGA YOU" i said looking at him. I looked at his eyes and it darkened and I kinda got scared.

"You got the wrong one" he said looking back at the road.

"Yeen gon do shit" i said lowkey regretting it

"Don't test me leilani" He said frustrated

"You maybe a lil hood princess don't mean i wont choke the shit outta you" He said.

" So do it nigga" I snapped. He tightened his grip on the wheel and didn't say anything. I looked out the window on the verge of crying ion even know why but i never really got yelled at by a nigga besides my dad or my brothers and that shit hurted me.

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