The Girls

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|Dylan's POV|
Bell Rings

"Finally." I sigh as I walk out of Math. I start walking to my locker and see Casey wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"Oh lord." I sigh as I walk up to her. She blocks my locker and kindly tells me to, "spill bitch."

"There's really nothing to spill Casey." I assure her, not even knowing if I was sure myself.
"Obviously you-" She starts.
"Don't even say it Cays." I cut her off.
"Think he's cute at least." She continues her sentence from before.

"Nope, I am the only one within a five mile radius that is immune to his charm." I say.
"Whatever Dylan I'm still teasing you starting......NOW, Dylan and Cameron sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Casey teases.

And with that I throw my hand over her mouth before anyone hears her because she is singing pretty loud.

She puts up her hands like she is innocent and I glare at her.
"What?" She says, trying to talk through my hand. I take my hand off of her face.
"Fine, fine I'll change the subject. What are you wearing to that party tomorrow?" She asks.
"Well, I really have no idea what I'm wearing so I was hoping you and Kristy could come over and help me get ready?" I suggest with a laugh.

"You already know I'll be there chica." Kristy says, popping up and hugging us both by our shoulders.

Kristy is the funniest, prettiest, friendliest girl I've ever met, all of us have been together since middle school and now, we are all as close as the three musketeers.

Did I forget to mention, Kristy is a guy-killer (she's just so gorgeous) and the head cheerleader of our school's squad.
"Same here babe." Casey says.
"You are going to look so on point!" Kristy squeals.

We all start laughing our way to Casey's car.

"Okay, since when did I become everyone's personal driver?" Casey giggles.
"Since you love us." Me and Kristy say in sync. We all start giggling. As we pass by Cameron's group of friends, I sneak a peek.

They are all just there sitting and talking. Weird.
We all hop into Casey's car, and just as we are about to drive out, Bryon runs up to us looking like he just came from football tryouts.

"Wait up guys!" My brother yells.
"Ugh, jump in Bryon." Kristy says, laughing.
"I knew you guys would let me ride with you cause y'all love me." He says with a grin.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Bry." I say, smirking.
"Whatever Dylan, you know you love me." He laughs, as we drive to drop off Kristy.


Hey guys! I am so happy I could make a part today. Picture to the side is Bryon. More soon I promise! Later.

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