Is She Okay?

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|Dylan's POV|

I wake up to Casey sitting on my bed, on her phone.
"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." Casey giggles, while I look at the clock.
"Cays, you should've waken me up earlier, it's 2 PM in the afternoon!" I laugh.

"You needed all the sleep you could get." She replies, with a smile.
"Someone's feeling better huh?" I ask, while I change into some sweatpants and a homemade crop top.
"Ha only a bit." She says, now frowning.
"Oh Casey, did I remind you of it? I'm so sorry." I say as I walk over, sit on the bed, and hug her.
"Now now, let's not just sit here and moap about him." She encourages.

"Let's go to Starbucks!!" She squeals. I laugh. "Whatever floats your boat Cays." I reply. While we're leaving I pick up my art bag. In my art bag I have all my art supplies like spray paint, crayons, markers, paint, colored pencils, etc.

Today I plan to mark a place that I know Cameron will see. I'm friends with his good friend, Ian. Yeah, we've been best buds since Kindergarten. We met when the asshole stole some of my crayons and never gave them back. Good thing I kept tabs on who borrowed my supplies...

Ever since we've been the best of friends. But Cameron doesn't know anything. Ian's told me a few places where my art would catch Cameron's eye.
"Dylannn, you're daydreaming again and why on earth do you have your art bag with you?" She asks.

"Hehe, I plan to work some of my magic on a special place today." I giggle. I am pretty excited. I haven't spraypainted since freshman year but that time I wasn't careful and I got arrested but my mom bailed me out.
"Oh, Dylan if you get caught tell them I have no part in it." She laughs.
"Actually you'd be the witness." I tell her, trying to scare her.

"Oh god really?" She asks.
"Well there's a first time for everything." She shrugs. I grab my keys and swing my bag over my head as we walk out the door. I start the car and text mom real quick that me and Casey left. We drive to the Starbucks that is right around the corner.

I step out just as I get a text from a number I don't know saying,
You're not going to win princesa.
-Your Competition. I know exactly who sent it and exactly who gave him my number. I groan.

"What's wrong?" Casey asks, as she walks up to me.
"Cameron." I sigh. She smirks. I hold open the door as she walks in.
"I totally ship you two." She informs me, just as we walk up to the counter. I tell Casey she can order whatever she wants as I type a reply. Casey orders a Cinnamon Dolce Latte and a Chocolate Cake pop while I get a Cotton Candy Frappé with a Birthday Cake pop.

The barista's name tag read Julianne and right when our eyes met both of our eyes lit up. This was Julianne Harrison, my best friend from Kindergarten as well as Ian's, but after we graduated 8th grade her parents transfered her to a private school and I haven't seen her since.
"Dyl!" She exclaims, as she hugs me over the counter.
"I haven't seen you since 8th grade, how's it going Jul?" I ask.

Casey didn't come until 1st grade so she didn't know Julianne as well as I did, plus Casey wasn't even very fond of Julianne anyway.
"Nothing really except the fact that we're graduating this year!" She squeals. I laugh. Same old Julianne, full of energy and excitement.
"Time goes by quick doesn't it?" I reply.

"It sure does Dyl." She answers.
"Oh, I almost didn't see you Casey, how's it going love?" Julianne asks. The both of them never really liked each other. I could tell from the look in Julianne's eyes that she was only being nice because I was here.
"Nothing much." Casey says with a fake smile on her face, not meeting Julianne's eyes.

"Well it was nice seeing you Casey." She says, as she turns to me.
"What's your number? So we can text, sorry I haven't answered your other texts I got a new phone." She tells me.
"Oh, it's alright." I say, with a genuine smile. "Oh goodness, how's Bryon?" She asks, with curiosity. Back in middle school, Julianne had a small crush on my brother. Oh, who am I kidding, she was head over heels for him.

"He's fine." I say with a smirk. She blushes as she gives us our orders.
"One Cotton Candy Frappé, Birthday Cake pop, Cinnamon Dolce Latte, and Chocolate Cake pop." She says with a smile.
"Thanks again Jul." I say, as we take our orders.
"No worries." She says, as she hugs me again and starts to welcome the next customer.

Me and Casey sit down in a booth right next to a window. Just as we sit, I prepare for the bombard of negative comments that will come from Casey's mouth by sipping on my frappé. She groans.
"God I hate her." She growls.
"Casey, I don't even understand why you hate her." I say, an attempt of calming her.
"You don't know yet?" She questions.

"Know what?" I say, now curious.
"What a best friend she is who doesn't tell you things." She mumbles.
"Casey, just tell me." I beg.
"Fine, but if you get upset at her, I didn't say anything, oh and if you start hating her you can join my club." She says, grinning. I giggle and she starts her story.

Heyy guys. I'm super duper sorry that it took me forever to make this part. School literally hates me. I actually just finished this on my way to school. The numbers are increasing for people seeing this and I want to thanks you guys for that. More when I can. Later.

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