Singing In the Car

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|Dylan's POV|

I walk up to the car and the passenger window rolls down revealing Bryon.

"I always sit in the front Bryon." I whine.

"Well today my dear sister you sit in the back." He replies. I groan as I open the backseat car door.

"Morning love." Casey sings. I just shrug as she starts the car.

"Hey,come on now it's our first day as seniors don't let your idiot brother ruin it." Casey says.

"Hey, I'm right here you know!" Bryon says. "That's exactly why I said it." Casey laughs.

I start laughing along with Casey. Bryon is pouting as he turns the radio on to our favorite radio station which is playing Take Me to Church by Hozier. I start singing because my mood had been lifted because of Casey.

Everyone joins in and some boy, who I have to say was pretty cute, steps out the door from the house next door to mine. He smirks as we drive away and head for school.

It takes us about 15 minutes to get to school and as we pull in I see a group of girls crowding around a nice motorcycle.

And standing in front of the motorcycle, is none other then my new next door neighbor. He seems like one of those heart-breaker, bad-ass, cocky boys. I plan to avoid him as much as possible.


I run to the lunch line because unlike other public schools, my school's food is actually good so people swarm to it. As I start to walk to the table I see everyone: Casey, Bryon, Kristy, and Cody.

I can't wait to catch up with them. I put my lunch down and tell everyone I will be right back because I want to get a drink.

But as I am walking to the soda machine I bump into a hard chest and almost fall over but strong, warm hands hold my waist proventing me from falling. Wow so much for avoiding him. I look up to see......


Haha I am evil aren't I? Leaving you guys on a cliff hanger even though I'm sure you guys know who Mr. Mystery is. Picture in the beginning is Casey. More soon!

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