We Basically Live Here

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|Cameron's POV|

When school is over I drive over to Hunter's. I basically live with the Rodriguez Family. I don't enter the house and just walk around the house to the treehouse. I walk up the walkway to our treehouse and Hunter is on the front steps of the treehouse on his laptop.

"Hola mi amigo." He greets me. The guy always talks in Spanish. Half the time Ian barely understands him when he talks.
"Hey man." I reply, just as I hear a car roll into the driveway. I have a great sense of hearing. "Ian's here." I inform Hunter.
"How do you know so quick?" He arches his eyebrow.
"I have a great sense of hearing." I say, just as Ian walks up.
"Hey guys." He says with a grin.
"Hey." We both respond.
"You guys can stay over tonight if you want." Hunter tells us.

"Alright." Ian says. And after that the rest of the night went by in a blur. By the time I woke up I was on the treehouse floor. Ian wakes up about 15 minutes after me and smirks.
"You thinking about the girl?" He asks. I blush but I knew I wasn't.
"No." I try to say firmly. But we both crack up. Hunter's a heavy sleeper so he didn't wake up while we were laughing.

"Soo how does this girl look?" He asks.
"Well I can tell you she's pretty cute, and has a sassy vibe to her, supposedly she's the bad girl at school, and I think she hates me." I chuckle.
"Well you two get along like two peas in a pod, don't you?" Ian laughs.
"Obviously." I say in a girly voice, flip my hand, and roll my eyes. I take out my phone and scroll through my Instagram feed.

About 5 minutes later Ian asks, "Do you want the mystery girl's number?"
"How do you know it?" I ask, now suspicious.
"Hey now bud no need to get suspicious and jealous, she's one of my closest friends." He says.
"Wait WHAT!?" I question loudly, waking up Hunter in the progress.
"Mi amigos, estoy tratando de dormir." He groans.
"What?" Ian says in confusion.

"Ughh I'm trying to sleep you idiots, now try to be more quiet." He says as he throws his head back on his pillow.

"Someone's sleepy." Ian says as he grabs a bag of Lays. I grab a Dr. Pepper, my favorite soda, and sit down to try and get any information about Angel out of Ian. I can't believe he knew Angel all along and didn't say anything. After Ian told me a tiny bit about Angel he gave me her number and I texted her.

Hey guys. This may be a bit shorter because I just wanted to get a bit more out for you guys because I have to admit I have been slacking on writing and I'm sorry, school sucks. Here's Cameron's POV tonight. Picture to the side is the three boy's treehouse. I'd love a treehouse like that. Anyways thanks again guys. Goodnight. Later.  

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