So There's This Guy

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|Dylan's POV|

My phone starts to ring at 2 in the morning and I really don't want to answer whoever is calling me but I somehow find the energy to pick up my phone and check the ID.

The screen flashes the name of my best friend since grade school, none other than Casey.

"What the hell are you calling me for at 2 in the morning Casey?" I screech, hoping I didn't wake my mom.
"Well hello to you too oh wonderful best friend of mine." Casey says like I didn't even yell at her.

"Whatever Casey what do you want?" I ask.
"There's two things actually, 1: Can you help me with my homework when I pick you up and 2: There's this guy who moved in across the street from me which makes him your new next door neighbor and he is hot as fuck!" Casey squeals.

"Casey you do remember you have a boyfriend right?" I question.
"Yes but-" She starts.
"No buts Casey, you can't date the new boy." I cut her off.
"But-" She tries to continue.
"Bye Casey see you at 8:30." I end the call and plunge my head back into my pillow.

I sigh and hope I'd get some more sleep but I only get about 4 more hours in. I mumble curses as my alarm goes off. I try to sleep in but my annoying brother bursts in acting as if he were a little girl who had just received a new Barbie.
"Dylannnnn!" He says as he strips me of my comforter.

"It's your first day of senior year and my first of junior year and I need a ride so get your ass up I don't want to be late." He pushes me off the bed.
"Come on Bry they'll think your a goodie-goodie if you get there early." I say.

"Whatever Dylan just don't make me late." He grumbles as he slams the door to my room.

"Someone's bipolar." I mumble as I step into my bathroom. I strip and step into the shower, singing and loving the feel of the warm water hitting my skin. I jump out and wrap myself in a towel as I walk into my closet.

I pull out a white tank top and jeans shorts, plus a red Letterman jacket to cover myself if I got cold. I dress, dry my hair, throw my hair into a messy side ponytail, grab my shoes and backpack and run downstairs to grab breakfast.

"Morning sweetheart." My mom sings as I enter the delicious-smelling kitchen.
"Mornin' mom." I reply taking a piece of bacon and toast.
"Ready for school?" She asks.
"Eh." I answer as my brother comes into the kitchen with my little sister.

Did I forget to mention I have two siblings, a brother and a sister with the names of Bryon and Destiny.

"Dylan!" Destiny squeals with a smile as she locates me at the breakfast bar. Bryon lets her down so she could give me my morning hug.

Destiny's a friendly person who people fall in love with as soon as they meet her. She's basically a 5 year old angel. I hear a beep just as I finish my toast.

"Oh Bryon you're riding to school with me and Casey so go grab some breakfast and let's go." I say as I walk up to mom and kiss her cheek.
"Dylan." She calls out to me as I am walking torwards the door.
"Yes mom." I answer turning my head.
"Try to stay out of trouble it's only your first day." She says with a smile, playfulness spreading across her face.

"No promises!" I yell as I pull on my converse, grab my backpack, and walk to Casey's car.


Hey guys! First part is here!!! I don't know about you but I am so excited to see where this story goes. Next part coming up soon I promise. Picture in the beginning is Dylan. Later guys.

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