Why Are You Here

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|Casey's POV|

I hear my doorbell ring on a Saturday afternoon. Hmm I wonder if it's Kristy or Dylan? I hope so, we haven't hung out with each other in a while.
"I'll get it!" I yell so all of my family members can hear. I walk through the foyer and get to the door.

I open the door and gasp. Cody pulls me out onto my front patio. He won't let go of my wrist.
"Let go of me you asshole! I thought I said I didn't want to see you anymore?" I scream.
"Shhhh quiet down Casey." Cody says.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"She wants to talk with you." He answers.

"Hmmm Cody could you enlighten me on who 'she' is thank you very much?" I ask sarcastically.
"I-....I can't." He replies as he drags me to his truck. I sigh.
"If you're going to murder me at least let me say goodbye to my family & friends." I say.

"Uh Casey you're not going to die." He says with a chuckle.
"This is no chuckling matter you dick!" I yell as he starts the truck up.

"Sorry Cays." He apologizes.
"It's alright, but you're not going to hurt me are you?" I ask eagerly.
"Nah I wouldn't do that to you." He answers.
"Cody, can I ask you something while we're here?" I ask.

"Eh why not, I'm listening." He states.
"Why did you dump me?" I question, frowning.
"Casey...." He starts.
"No! I want to know the truth no bullshit this time Cody!" I say.

"Casey... I just had to. You have to understand." He says.
"You know what? Fuck you Cody." I tell him. Both of us stay silent for the rest of the drive and he drives along Main Street.

We arrive at a Holiday Inn and Cody parks the truck and opens the car door for me. I hop out and wait for him to take me where I was suppost to meet this girl. I follow him inside and he talks with the receptionist. The receptionist nods his head and points to an outdoor garden. Cody quietly says his thanks and walks to the door leading to the garden.

I just follow him out. The garden is beautiful, never seen anything like it before. So full of plant-life and it also has a cute pond and bridge as well. I stare in awe at the garden. A phone bings and interrupts my admiring. I know it's not mine because I didn't have anytime to go back into my house to get it.

Cody stops staring at me and answers his phone. Was he looking at me?
"Hello?" He answers. I hear a muffled feminine voice on the other side of the phone call.

"Yeah the outdoor garden, right?" He asks. A reply from the person causes Cody to hang up and face me.
"She's coming down now." He informs me.

"Uh okay." I say walking over to the bridge. I stand in the middle and watch the koi fish swim along happily in the water.

Cody clears his throat and motions for me to come sit at a table. I go and sit. I sit for about 10 minutes until a girl I know sits in front of me.
"What the hell Cody! Why am I talking with this bitch?" I yell.
"Quiet down little miss loud mouth." Julianne says.
"You know what you can die and go to hell Julianne!" I say.
"Awe but sweetie where would you go?" She answers with a smirk.

"Julianne stop talking to her that way please and just talk to her about what you wanted." Cody says, stopping our fight.

"Awe does someone still-" She starts.
"Just talk to her!" Cody says, clearly pissed off.
"Alright alright." Julianne says, turning to face me.
"I think you know why you are here, correct?" She asks.

"Actually, I have no clue why I'm here so if you could explain that to me that'd be wonderful." I say with sarcasm clearly in my voice.

"Well I'm sure you remember seeing me somewhere last night with a guy you know well." She continues.
"No I-.....oh my god what the hell did you do to him?" I ask.

"Nothing but if you tell Dylan..." She threatens.
"Are you threatening me?!" I say quickly.
"You don't want to find out so I suggest you don't tell Dylan." She replies.

I slap her and stand up.

"Cody take me home NOW." I command. Cody immediately springs up from his place on the bench and we walk back to his truck.

Hello guys. What's going on? Here's another part for ya :) I actually thought this part was okay I mean I like that Cody stood up for Casey but he's still an ass. Casey was a badass this part. Work it.
God I hate when I have to write Julianne's parts. She's such a- I'm going to stop right there. Picture to the side is the outdoor garden. More soon!

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