Everything's Perfect

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|Dylan's POV|

The next day the sun is shining brightly over the whole county so I decide to take both Byron and Destiny to the park to spend some time with them. Destiny couldn't wait to go while Bryon didn't want to.
I'm shocked.

Anyway I plan on wearing a long sleeve shirt with leggings and small, dazzled ankle boots. I pack my travel backpack with a blanket, my phone, headphones, a Frisbee, and some gum. I skip down the stairs, pretty excited about our siblings day.

Bryon's already downstairs sitting on the counter of the kitchen.
"Can I invite a friend?" He asks.
I cross my arms across my chest and glare at him.
"But it's a siblings, emphasize on SIBLINGS, day." I answer back.
"I know but-"
"Who is it?" I ask, giving in to make my brother happy.

"Uh.....this girl I know." He bashfully says.
"Aurora?" I ask, smirking.
He turns his face away from mine.
"At least me and Destiny will get to finally get to meet her." I say, turning to go get Destiny.
"And you're lucky mom isn't here to go with us." I remind him.

I run up the stairs and walk into Destiny's room to see her pulling on her shoes.
"Hey Destiny." I greet her.
"Hi Dylan." She replies.
"Can you help me put on my flower earnings?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say, walking to her dresser.

I arrive at the ledge of the dresser to see a framed picture of mom, dad, Bryon, Destiny, and me. My heart shatters to a million pieces all over again as I think back to all the good times I had with my father. While Destiny didn't even see him throughout more than half her life.

A tear sheds from my eye, trailing down my face. I silently cry and mourn for the death of my father. Destiny taps my back and I spin to face her. She quickly spots the tear and runs to her bedside table. She swipes a tissue from her tissue box and brings it back over to me.

I sit on dad's rocking chair and she pulls herself onto my lap as well. We sit in silence, for dad, and rock. This was the chair he loved the most to tell exciting stories to us in. Even Destiny got a turn in 'the chair'. This was my most favorite spot in the house when I was young.

Destiny jumps off of my lap and pulls me up with her. She points to the door. She wants to go to the park now. I nod in acceptance and follow her out the door.

We head downstairs to see Bryon talking to some redheaded girl.
"Hi Bryon! Hi pretty girl!" Destiny says adorably. Bryon slowly twists his head around and turns to face us
"Hey guys I'd like you to meet Aurora....my girlfriend." He introduces. Aurora stands awkwardly and smiles at us.

"Welcome to the family Aurora." I say nicely. She breaks into a friendly smile and bends down to say hello to Destiny. I've got to admit she is beautiful. Natural redhead, and gorgeous, clear blue eyes. She's wearing a Nirvana shirt with skinny jeans and some Toms.

Bryon grins widely as Aurora starts chatting it up with Destiny. I hug my brother and surprisingly he hugs back. I ruffle his dirty blond hair and let go of him. From the look in his eyes, I know he loves her. And I can also tell Aurora loves Bryon back.

I gather up my crew and tell them I'm in charge because I am the oldest of us all. I tell Bryon and Aurora that they can walk around but Destiny has to stay with me. We head into the garage and pile into my car. I start the engine and drive to the park.

When we reach the park we race to the swing sets. Destiny and Aurora are going to be pushed. I'm pushing Destiny and Bryon is pushing Aurora. We swing for about 5 minutes until Destiny races to the playground. She waves to a familiar face. Christine Smith.

I feel a pair of hands cover my eyes. I smell mint and cologne and immediately I know it's Cameron.
"Guess who?" He asks.
"Hmmmm let me guess..... Cameron!" I giggle.
"You're a genius." He says, spinning me around to kiss me.

I pull him to the grassy area and push him onto the ground.
"Dylan, what are you doing?" He asks curiously. I sit on his lower stomach and lift his arms up. Our fingers intertwine and we sit there and stare at each other for about a minute.

"What a coincidence that we saw each other huh angel?" Cameron asks.
"Very coincidental." I add with a silly smile. We talk until the group comes to me telling me that they are hungry.

"Lunch with us?" I ask Cameron.
"Why not. Desirée is here as well." He informs me.
"That's great! I want to get to know her better." I reply.

"Do you Dylan?" She asks from behind me.
"Yup." I answer, spinning to face her.
"There's a lot to know." She says.
"I have all day." I say back.
"I like her." Desirée says to Cameron and starts to walk to their car.
I grin takes over my face.

"So where are we eating?" Cameorn asks.
"Chick-Fil-A!" Both the girls scream.
"Okay okay we'll meet you there?" I ask.
"Yeah that's fine. See you guys there." Cameron says to the others and grabs Christine's hand, leading her to their car.

"Let's go guys." I say to my crew.
They all agree in sync and start to walk to the car. I start to walk behind them but something catches my eye.

The cherry tree.

I stare at the tree and long for my father for a moment. I continue to walk when I hear Bryon calling me.

We all make it to Chick-Fil-A and sit in a large booth. The girls order 6 piece chicken nuggets with lemonade. Me, Cameron, and Bryon order Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwiches with a Coke for Bryon and two Dr. Peppers for Cameron and I. Desirée orders a Chick-Fil-A Grilled Market Salad with iced tea. And Aurora orders a Grilled Chicken Cool Wrap with Sprite.

We all eat and chat for about 45 minute until we realize that we all have to get going. We get up, throw out our trash, and walk outside. Outside, we all say our goodbyes and this time Desirée actually gives me a smile and a goodbye.

I think she's warming up to me.

Hello there guys. Just finished this at 10:55 PM. Don't mind me. I like this part. Warning: next part is sad :(
Picture to the side is Dylan and Cameron.
Aren't they being so adorable?
More soon!

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