Visiting Dad

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|Bryon's POV|

I wake up at 4 this morning and lay in my bed until at 5:30 mom knocks on my bedroom door.
"Sweetie, you do remember what day it is today right?" Mom asks; through the door.

"Yeah mom, none of us can forget." I answer back.
"We're leaving at 7:00 okay Bryon?" She tells me.
"Yes mom." I say sadly.

"May I come in?" She asks quietly. I barely even hear her.
"Yes." I simply say. With that my door is slowly opened. I look up to see a just woken up looking mother.

After I take a glance of my mother my head drops right back into my hands. She walks over and sits on my bed, wrapping her arms around me.

"He's still here Bryon." She consoles softly.
I don't even answer her. I just cry quietly with the comfort and warmth of my mother's arms around me. She stays put, with her arms around me, for about 10 minutes until she finally pulls my hands away from my face.

Tears stain my red patached face as I look across the room through a mirror. She wipes away my tears and settles her hands on each side of my face.
"We'll be okay." She says, straining herself from crying. I can see the pain and sadness through my mother's glassy, clear blue eyes.

I now stand and open my arms for my mother.
"Come here mom." I tell her. She immediately accepts my hug and explodes into a tremendous amount of sobs. I comfort her for about 5 minutes until she pulls away and looks at me in the eyes.

"You look just like him Bryon. He loved you so much. And he still does." She frowns.
"I know mom, he loved us all." I say to her.
She walks out glumly and slugs down the hall to her room to start getting ready.

Every month, on the 17th, we all head to the cemetery to visit dad. We always go on the 17th because that was the day dad passed. It still hurts us that he's actually gone.

I walk across the hall to Dylan's room to go see how she's coping, but I guess mom beat me to it. Her door is cracked open a bit and I peek in to see her and my mother. Dylan is on the floor with her hands looped around her knees.

I'm guessing she is crying. Mom is crouched down beside her consoling her just as she did to me. On the morning of the 17th, every month, mom is always the one to wake us all up. Including Destiny.

Oh Destiny. I feel sad the most for her. She barely even got to get to know her own father. At least the rest of us got to spend time with him. While Destiny had to spend her 1st birthday asking, "where's daddy?"

A tear falls down my face as I go back into my room. I walk slowly into my bathroom and take a freezing cold shower. By the time I step out I'm shivering. I walk back into my room and walk to my closet.

I pick out a black shirt with a pair of black jeans and my black converse. I leave my hair alone and grab a tissue box. I walk down to the kitchen to see my mother starting breakfast.

"Scrambled or boiled?" She asks referring to the eggs she's taking our from the fridge.
"Scrambled. You woke Dylan and Destiny already?" I ask her.
"Yes." She answers adding in black pepper and salt to the egg mix.

I race up the stairs and decide to visit my older sister first.
"Knock knock." I say opening the door to Dylan's room.
"Morning Bry." She greets me sadly. I frown and walk over to hug her.
She hugs me back and I could feel a tear staining my shirt.
"It's alright Dylan, he's in a better place." I say. She nods and backs away from me.

"I'll be down for breakfast in 5 minutes." She says with a sniffle.
I nod and exit her room and walk further down the hall to Destiny's room.
I knock softly. I hear a small voice answer with, "come in."
"Morning Destiny." I say sorrowfully.
"Morning Bryon." She gloomily responds.

She runs to me and tightly holds onto me. I pick her up and squeeze her into a tight hug.
"Why did he leave Bryon?" She cries.
"He didn't leave on purpose." I tell her.
"I miss him." She says through tears.
"I know Destiny. We all do." I say, holding her. After she finishes I put her down.
"Ready for breakfast?" I ask.
"Yeah." She simply replies.

I take ahold of her hand and lead her downstairs to where Dylan and mom await. She runs to Dylan to give her her own hug and I sit next to mom.
"When are we leaving?" I ask quietly.
"After this." She replies, handing me a plate of bacon.

After breakfast mom sits us all down in the living room.
"Before we leave, I want to tell you all something." She says.
"When you all were young, me and your father discussed if he were to pass on he wanted to give you all somtheing to remember him." She tells us.
"On each of your 16th birthdays he wanted to give you all a special locket." She continues.

"Both you, Bryon and Dylan have passed the age of when he wanted to give it to you but I still want you to have them. As for you Destiny, he loved you so much I'm sure he wouldn't care if you were only five when he gave this to you." She says.
"So here you are my babies, these are the lockets your father wanted you to have." She finishes.

She whips out three gold lockets. Two are in the shape of hearts and the other in the shape of a circle. I notice that each has a specific name on it.

Dylan. Byron. Destiny.

A tear falls down my face.

She hands us each the one with our name on it.

We all open it at the same time. In the locket is a picture of all of us together, smiling, and on the other side is a small note from dad.

I love you.

I blink and tears fall from my eyes as I fasten the locket around my neck.
Mom pulls out another locket, but it is already around her neck.

"Your father gave this to me before he proposed." She says, answering all our unanswered questions.

Tears run down her face as she smiles slightly looking down at us.

"He loved you all so much." She whispers as she walks outside.

We all follow her silently.

All three of us have our new lockets hanging around our necks as we file into the car to go visit our father.

Guys. ;(
I am now in like the saddest mood ever. This part literally almost made me cry. Like seriously. I hope you liked that I made this Bryon's POV. Picture to the side is a cemetery. There are only 5 more parts till Wild Child is over!


Anyways when summer begins I will have a surprise for you guys.
More soon!

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