Let's Just Be Friends

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|Casey's POV|

When I get a text from Dylan saying:
Hey Cays, sorry to say this but I got a detention from 8th period so you and Kristy will have to go to the park without me :( See you soon -Dylan. I groan, now me and Cody will have to deal with Hunter and Kristy, who are now friends with benefits I assume.

I get another text and think it's from Dylan but it's not, it's from Cody,
Hey Casey when we get to the park can we talk? -Cody. I wonder what he wants to talk about. I hop in my car, not waiting for Kristy because I know Hunter will probably take her. It's a 20 minute drive from school to the park so I turn up the radio loud and sing like there's no tomorrow.

When I reach the park I see that everyone's already there. I smile as I pop open the door and walk over to the group.
"Hey Cays!" Kristy exclaims, as she hugs me.
"Hey love."
"Hey Hunter."
"Hey Cody." I greet all of them.
"Cody said he wanted to talk to you so me and Hunter are gonna walk around alright?" She asks. I nod in acceptance. Their fingers intertwine as they start to walk in the other direction.

"Aren't they cute?" I ask Cody as we walk to the swing set to sit.
"Yeah." He says suggesting he's uncomfortable. We sit and immediately I already feel like I know what he is going to tell me.


Cody used to be that one hot nerd in class and I had a crush on him since the 8th grade. He was new in 6th but I just thought he was another nerd who liked video games and didn't pay attention to girl. But man did puberty hit him! In 8th he looked like a goddess and was more comfortable and sociable with us.

I didn't just like Cody for his looks though, his personality was gold! He had a great sense of humor, his laugh made everyone smile, he was friendly & kind, and was generous too. In the 8th grade at the Valentine's Dance, I asked him to come to the corner with me to talk and he agreed, being the nice person he is.

I finally told him how I felt and it turned out he liked me too! After that we dated until I think right now.

Flashback Ended

"Casey." He says firmly, interrupting my flashback.
"Y....Yes." I stutter.
"Before you get upset, I just want to tell you the truth, I thought we could be the one couple that lasts but I guess that's not going to happen." He frowns.

"Wh.....What do you mean 'you guess that's not going to happen'?" I start to tear up.
"I think that we should just be friends." He says slowly. I get up slowly from the swing and start to walk away from him. The tears start to roll down my cheeks just as I hear him call my name. I stop & hesitate to turn, but don't and keep walking.

I reach the car, get in and text Kristy real quick that I am leaving because something happened between me and Cody.

I don't want her to leave in a rush because she is with Hunter. I zoom back to the only place I know where someone could at least try to cheer me up, Dylan's house. On my way there, I kept sobbing and sobbing and my vision was getting blurry.

I was afraid I'd crash or something but I don't and make it safely to Dylan's house. I ring the doorbell and collapse to the ground in defeat.

Dylan opens the door, gasps, takes me inside, bombards me with questions, and makes me tea. Next thing you know, Ms. Justice, Destiny, and Bryon are in the room listening to me which makes me feel a bit better.

They all console me and tell me he's a jerk which right now, I'm going to agree with. Dylan takes me up to her room after dinner and tells me I can have her bed and she'll take the beanbag and blanket. I give her a sad smile and make myself cozy in her bed.

"You know I'm not letting you go to bed in that?" She asks me. I groan.
"Here." She says and throws me a pair of her soft pajamas and turns off the light.
"Night Cays." She tells me before I fall asleep.

"Night Dylan." I respond, with a tear trailing down my face while I close my eyes, trying to get the memories of today's disaster out of my head.

Buenos noches (good night) guys. Thanks for waiting and I'm almost to 200 people seeing my story. I sqealed when I saw the numbers increasing. Thank you so much guys. Thank you again for all the support. Picture to the side is Cody. Poor Casey right ;( ? Once again thank you so much guys. Later.

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