Chapter 4: Confessions and Tears

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-After George is discharged (in Georges POV)- 

I walk back to Dreams house in the fall air. It stings my cheeks and nose, I could see my breath in the chilly air. As I walked up to the door I could hear footsteps hurrying towards the door. The door suddenly flings open and sees Dream panting with a relieved look on his face. 

“GEORGE!!!” Dream screams as he launches himself into me. I was shocked and all I could feel was warmth rush over my body as soon as he hugged me. We stayed in the hug for a good solid minute until we heard Wilbur cough. Dream let’s go of me and drags me into the house. As he dragged me into the warm house away from the cold air I saw Fundy glaring at me so I decided to make him jealous. I stop Dream almost in front of Fundy and decide to peck him in the cheek and swallow my embarrassment and go upstairs almost immediately. 

As soon as I get in my room I start freaking out almost immediately. 

‘WHY DID I END UP DOING THAT?!!?!’ I mentally beat myself up not knowing what was going on downstairs. 

Dream POV:

I was shocked. ‘George stopped me and kissed me? WHAT?! Wait- does he? No, No, that’s not possible is it. IS IT??’ I look at Wilbur almost immediately and he looks at me with a smug look. As I was wanting to go upstairs I felt someone push past me and I saw Fundy run up the stairs towards George's room. I was confused and decided to let him go and went back down stairs to talk to Wilbur about what I should say to George. 

Georges POV: 

I’m laying on my bed regretting kissing him on the cheek. As I was about to get up I heard someone open my door and lock it. I feel a rush of cold sweat through my whole body. As I turn around I see Fundy there standing looking at me furious. I immediately stand up and back away from my bed as soon as he sees me back away he rushes towards me. He knocks me down to the floor with a thud. 

“YOU LITTLE SHIT” Fundy whisper-screams at me. He slaps me and calls me names such as ‘Slut, Whore, Bitch,’ and other foul names that make me feel a tight feeling in my chest. I start crying softly because
of the slap and the names he’s called me. I wanted to feel a warmth again. I could only feel a bitter cold all around me. I felt sick. After a while of Fundy beating me up and calling me names I couldn’t feel anything. It felt like everything went silent. 

‘Cold, ' I thought. Coldness surrounding me. Swallowing me. Threatening to break me. I felt nothing until I heard someone say my name. It sounded so sweet, pure and gentle to the touch. The way the person said my name was completely warm. I wanted to feel the warmth that the person had said my name with.’

*Everything that went down* 

Dream and Will rushed up stairs because they heard the thud but when they felt the door was locked they tried to do anything to open it. They tried keys, lock picking, anything possible. Dream was getting anxious and decided to kick the door down. The first attempt was a dud but when he tried again the door swung open. When they rushed inside they saw an unconscious George and a furious Fundy on top of him. They immediately ripped Fundy off of George and picked up George to put him on the bed. They didn’t want to take him to the doctors just yet...well at least Dream didn’t. 

Willbur ended up kicking Fundy out and told him to stay away from him, Dream and George. Fundy before leaving told Dream that he has had a crush on him since the first time they have met. Dream furious told him to leave and never come back. 

“You have hurt someone that I deeply care and love. I apologize but never come back again” Dream said with venom in his voice.


“Listen” Dream says with so much venom in his voice “He has things you will NEVER have. He doesn’t act like you who can be a brat if they don’t get things they want. THE PERSON YOU CALLED A BRITISH BITCH IS A PERSON I WOULD GLADLY SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR!! He is the reason I can still wake up in the morning. Now...get the fuck out of my sight before I murder you..” 

Fundy runs away with tears in his eyes. Not because of sadness..oh no..but because of jealousy and rage. 

Dream walks back inside and Wilbur asks if he’s doing alright and he says no and goes upstairs to check on George. 

“You’re going to be alright Georgie...everything is going to be better once you wake up..I won't hesitate anymore..I will tell you everything I’m feeling..I will protect and love please wake up soon ok?” Dream says choking on every word. “Please wake up...I love you…” as he said those words he fell asleep with tears in his eyes. 

Georges POV:

I open my eyes to see Dream holding my hand in my bedroom. I sit up and immediately get a throbbing pain in my head. I whimper slightly because of the pain. I ruffle Dream's hair and stare at him warmly as he is sleeping.

“Hey..Dream.” I say as softly and as gentle as I can. I feel him flinch a little. He wakes up and looks at me softly while smiling. I could tell the smile had a little bit of pain in it. 

I smile back at him. I feel my whole body ache almost if every bone in my body broke and was healing still. 

“George..?” I hear Dream say silently. I look at him. He has a worried face and I immediately tell him I’m alright. Out of nowhere he gets up, grabs my face and kisses my forehead. 

“I love you George...please don’t lie to me.” 

As soon as he said those words everything hit me. The pain throughout my body, the pain in my chest that was about to burst, the feelings I've been suppressing. I felt safe in Dream's arms...I cried and let everything out and he was there for me. I finally managed words to form.

“I-I Love You...Too”

It' still not the end of the story
***I hope you're enjoying the story so far≧◇≦

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