Chapter 5: Streams

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Georges POV:

After everything with Fundy calmed down , Dream and I started getting comfortable with the relationship we had as a couple. Wilbur would come visit from time to time and sometimes ask if he could bring some friends over. Dream at first was reluctant and hesitant but eventually gave in as he found out the friends Wilbur was talking about were younger then both of us. Their names were Tommy and Tubbo.

In short they were best friends and very hyper especially when they found something they liked. Oh yeah, did I forget to say one time Tommy got stung by a bee and Tubbo started comforting Tommy like the big baby he is. At the end of the day they would still love bees because Tubbo adores them.

Dream and I also started to stream more often because it was so boring during this time. There was nothing to do other than watch TV and drink hot cocoa which I very much enjoy other than apple juice. But still it was so boring I ended up staring at Dream for a good couple hours before debating on kissing his cheek or his lips. Things went so fast I didn't even notice that time flew by and that it was about to be Christmas Eve in less than a week.

No particular POV:

As George was reminiscing on the things that have gone by and also stressing about what he should get Dream for Christmas. Dream was streaming for about a good hour. He was streaming with Sapnap. They were first doing some speedruns but ended up on the SMP. Sapnap and Dream were laughing at each other until Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo joined the discord call.

Before Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur joined the call Wibur made sure to speak to both of them to not say anything that was going on in Dreams and Georges personal life so that the fans won't be up their asses.

As soon as they joined the call you could hear the laughing get louder as someone had donated with a funny text.

"What was that??!" Dream says in between wheezes while Sapnap is hiccuping and trying to tell him he doesn't know. Tommy interrupts the laughter by saying something stupid. But the men just burst out more in laughter. You could hear Dreams wheezing and Sapnaps hiccups a mile away with the way they were laughing. They kept fooling around the SMP before Tommy asked the one thing Wilbur told him not to ask.

"Hey Dream how's George holding up? Is he better?" as soon as Tommy said that silence fell. At first he didn't understand but then immediately slapped his hand over his mouth and realized his mistake. It was too late. The chat started blowing up asking what he meant and what was going on. The silence was so loud until Dream answered the questions of the fans desperate cries to know what happened.

"Ah uh guys don't worry about George he's doing fine. Nothings wrong with him." Dream said in a calm voice to make sure to reassure his audience.

When all of this was going down Wilbur was already at Tommys door. He slammed it open and dragged him out of there by his hoodie. Next to Wilbur was Tubbo. "Wh-What's going on Wilbur?!?" Tommy said, trying to hide his fear in his voice. Wilbur looked at Tommy with anger in his eyes. Tommy cowered in his presence. As they walked to Dreams house the silence was so loud.

Dream on the other hand didn't know they were heading to his house and was calling out to them seeing if they were there.

"Where did they go?" "Eh leave them they'll be fine." Sapnap said in a monotone voice. He couldn't believe they were hiding something from him. Especially about George. He cared deeply for his small british friend. He wanted to ask questions but couldn't. He decided to ask after the stream was finished. As soon as he thought that he heard Dream shuffle in his seat and he immediately spoke in a rushed voice climbing he was going to end the stream. He said bye to every one of his viewers and raided someone.

Dreams POV:

I ended the stream because George peeked his head through the door and mouthed something and left. I panicked a little and ended the stream early. Turns out Wilbur had dragged Tommy to apologize. Tubbo came because he wanted to see if the bees were still in the backyard garden that George and I had planted, the first time he came over.

"Hahah it's nothing Tommy. I handled that pretty well so that's fine. Next time don't slip up that easily."

George tugged on the sleeve of my hoodie and gave me a confused look.

"What are you guys talking about?"

He looked so adorable in my hoodie. It was kinda slipping off of his shoulders. I wanted to pick him up and look at every inch of his body.


"Ah oh he technically asked if you were ok during the stream and the whole chat went crazy." George looks up at me and looks back at Wilbur and Tommy.

"You guys want to stay over? We were about to have dinner." George asks.

They agree and Tubbo walks towards the backyard and looks over the dead grass. As he was doing that I was helping George with the dinner. Tommy and Wilbur were watching TV but Tommy ended up leaving Wilbur to go see Tubbo.

Wilbur walked up to us and told us something pretty interesting.

"Turns out Fundy has gotten himself a boyfriend." Wilbur says playing with the spoon in his coffee. I look at George. He looks pale and terrified. "Really? I feel bad for the guy." I try not to go into details because George is in the room. He's still kinda traumatized by the events that went down.

We finished eating dinner and Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo left after watching a movie. As soon as me and George layed down on the couch we heard a knock on the door. George thought it was Wilbur and decided to go open it for him. I decided to let him go open the door. I look over my shoulder to see if it was one of the boys. When the door opened my eyes widened and my stomach dropped. I opened my mouth but I couldn't say anything.

AHAHAH Cliff hanger lovelies
Sorry I haven't been posting chapter often. I had a brain fart on what to do for the next chapters but I had some creativity.

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