Chapter 7: W.affles A.nd P.ancakez

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No ones POV: 

Wilbur and the boys woke up before the couple. They decided to clean up the mess of last night and just technically clean the whole house so Dream and George won’t have to. 

They started cleaning silently so the couple won’t be disturbed. But once they got upstairs all hell broke loose. Tubbbo and Tommy somehow managed to knock over the dirty laundry that was waiting at the top stairs. They somehow managed to not wake up George and Dream but Tommy almost had a heart attack when George moved causing Dream to move too. 

“Shut up” hissed Wilbur to Tommy as he was walking to the kitchen. 

“I’m trying to,” Tommy said as he was heading to the laundry room.

He saw Tubbo trying to reach for the soap that was on the top shelf. Tommy chuckled as he left. Tubbo was cursing at Tommy for not giving him the soap. As Tommy walked towards the kitchen to help Wilbur he couldn’t help but notice the dried up blood that was on the front door. He gagged to himself and headed towards the laundry room to get the mop and to help Tubbo with the soap. 

As he got his things he had to ask Tubbo to stay in the backyard until he finished cleaning the blood. Something about blood made Tubbo go into a panic attack. Tubbo obliged happily and went to the backyard. As Tommy was cleaning up the blood he heard Wilbur say something. He turned around but he turned back to his work as soon as he saw Wilbur walking towards him.
“So this is the mess those two made huh?” Wilbur asked in a whisper. 

“Yeah pretty fucked up they actually beat each other up until they spilled blood all over the place..” Tommy said almost as softly as Wilbur. 

“I’m going to the store to go get the supplies the two of them would most likely need when they wake up. Want anything?” Wilbur asked Tommy who was done cleaning the mess. 
“Yeah, I’ll go ask what Tubbo wants.” He went to go ask Tubbo what he wanted and then told Wilbur. As Wilbur was going to leave he looked at Tommy and Tubbo and told them to stay as quiet as possible and if he found Dream and George awake he would give them a beating as soon as he got back. 

*Time Skip Wilby came back* 

Wilbur got back and saw both the boys sleeping next to each. He went over to them and lightly tapped Tubbo to try not to wake up the other. The reason he only woke up Tubbo was that he actually knew how to cook and Tommy didn’t and also that Tubbo wasn’t as noisy as Tubbo when waking up. 

“Huh...What happened” Tubbo asked sleepily looking up at Wilbur. 

“Just come help me cook for them. We’ll wake them up as soon as we’re done.” Wilbur said in a whisper. Tubbo nodded and slipped Tubbo’s head towards the other side of him. As soon as he saw that Tommy wasn’t furrowing his brows anymore he went to help Tommy. 

When they finished making breakfast which was W.A.P (iykyk if you don’t it’s Waffles and Pancakes or Worship and Prayer) some eggs and bacon. 

They went to go wake them up. First the couple and then the noisy one..Tommy. Before the couple could even fully wake up they just heard Tommy scream high pitched as he yawned at the same time. 

George’s POV: 

Someone woke me up. I'm guessing it was Dream. I tried to get up but as soon as I got to open my eyes a little. I hear a high pitched scream. My eyes widen to see Tommy yawning? Or was he screaming? I find the thing closets to me and throw it at him. 

“SHUT UP!!” I hiss half asleep. As I throw the pillow Dream get’s up. His bed hair everywhere. He chuckles sleepily as he gets up. I get up too and as soon as I get up I feel a sharp pain in my back. I kinda fell to my knees due to the pain. Almost everyone notices and Dream catches me as I almost hit the floor. 

“Are you alright?!” almost everyone told me synchronized. 

“Y-Yeah I’m just sore.” I say as I rub my back with my palm. As soon as I stand up straight Wilbur  hands me a bag. 

“Use them to help your injuries. The same thing applies to you Dream.” he says handing me the bag as he looks at both of us.

He sighs and then turns around. As he was heading to the kitchen he said “When you guys are done come back and eat some breakfast.” 

As Wilbur said that me and Dream went upstairs to take a bath and help each other with the wounds that were inflicted upon us. When we went into the restroom Dream was the first to take off his bloodied clothes and put them in the laundry. He hopped into the shower when I was rummaging through the bag of supplies Wilbur bought. 

Alcohol, band aids, cotton balls, and other things. As Dream got out of the shower I saw all the injuries on him. I gave him some clothes and as he was putting them on I made sure to slowly add alcohol to the exposed injuries. He flinched a little as the alcohol stinged his fresh wounds. I let him take care of the minor wounds that he could reach and I decided to take a bath myself too. I smelt like the alcohol Fundy had drunk. I took off my clothes and hopped on the shower turning on the warm water. As I felt the warm water run down my skin I could hear Dream humming a song? Soon without realization I started singing softly under my breath some words that seemed so light to the sound but held a deep meaning to me. (The next lyrics I came up with I didn’t know what to put so oof) 

“As I held you close I could feel~ your heartbeat~...hmm hmm...every movement you made was filled with warmth..a feeling of love..” 

Dream chuckled softly as he heard the words. He continued humming and I continued singing words that popped up into my head. 

As I finished turning off the water I walked out and dried myself off. As I was putting my underwear on I felt a touch on my back. I shivered at the cold touch but felt reassured as I heard Dream click his tongue. I turn around as I was done putting on my underwear and ask what's wrong. 

“He really did this to you huh..?” heat the cold touch but felt reassured as I heard Dream click his tongue. I turn around as I was done putting on my underwear and ask what's wrong. 
says with a shallow growl in his voice. He grabbed something and smeared it on my back. It was cold but I didn’t really mind it. Dream grabbed one of his hoodies and put it on me as he finished taking care of my back. He held my hand and took me down the stairs to go meet the boys and eat breakfast together. As we walked to the dinner table I made sure to check if my underwear was covered. I forgot to put on pants before coming down stairs. (Damned step Dream) The others didn’t seem to notice since Dreams hoodie was loose and big on me. 

-*Time Skip*-

Still in Georges POV: 

When the boys left even though it seemed like forever to convince them to leave. They left with a hint of worry in their faces but they still smiled and waved goodbye to us. 

As we went up the stairs to go sleep Dream stopped me halfway up the stairs and pulled me into a tight hug. 

With a calm voice he said “I love you...I don’t want anyone to hurt you, if they ever do I’ll be there to protect you even with my last breath...I love you George.” as he whispered those words to me he rubbed my back to soothe the pain that was still there. I hugged him tighter “I love you too Dream..” I say with my face buried in his chest, breathing in a faint smell of sandalwood. As he heard those words he picked me up and walked towards the bed. He plopped me down on the bed and immediately cuddled next to me. We soon fell asleep in each others grasp and warmth. 

• Hope ur having a good day so far

• Welp (′▽'〃) it's currently 12:40am or pm idk but my brain be dead
haH brain go ✨brrr✨

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