𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

Depuis le début

"Why did you stop?"

"I didn't." They uttered. "I still go to fields with my friend, right?"

George's face went a little pink. "Yeah, I s'pose so..." He murmured.

"There's just something about the process of turning day to night. The whole evening is like a movie." They sighed happily, leaning themself up so that they could rest their cheeks on the palms of their hands as they fluttered their eyelashes. "I love sunsets." They noted at once. They had turned their head back around whilst George was still left staring at their side profile with a loss of thoughts.

"I love you." George said, without thinking.

"What?" (Y/n) turned swiftly.

Oh god, he had done it. How could he save himself from that? He didn't even really mean to say it. Some words just slip out, don't they? This wasn't even how he had ever wanted to say it. He wanted to tell stories about his feelings, not just a lousy three letter sentence. It wasn't good enough.

"...Platonically..?" He winced whilst giving (Y/n) a look that stretched fear into his eyes. He hoped that that word would somehow save him.

"George, did you say you loved me?" Their smile from looking at the sunset had faded from their face and a look of seriousness was found in their complexion. They stopped leaning against themself and sat themself up to turn around.

"I mean-" He looked down for a second to think. "Do you have hard of hearing? Because there is a chance that I could have said that I loathed you." He replied with a winced expression.

"Well, do you loathe me?" They questioned.


"So did you say you loved me?" They asked in a stern tone with curiosity sparking in their eyes. "And did you mean it platonically?"

He fell quiet. Surely this was a trap. He felt like he could only reply with one answer in order to safely secure their friendship. But a negative response was not one that he wanted to give. He had only ever lied to (Y/n) when it was absolutely necessary, and even then would the lies be minimum. This was the biggest lie he had ever told himself.

"Yes." He stated slowly. "Yes, I said I loved you..." (Y/n) shot a glance at him as he sighed slowly. "And while I do love you platonically, I did mean it in the other sense."

"...So you love me romantically?"

The tension between them was thickening as it was becoming increasingly more difficult for George to find simple sentences to say. He wanted to be profound, he didn't want to be blunt. He had this whole plan and it was thrown away by these words.

"So suppose I do." He proclaimed quickly. "Yes, I love you romantically. And I have for ages. And it's stupid because I've always planned on having these amazing and heartwarming professions and I've basically thrown it all away." He frowned, balling his hand into a fist in frustration.

"So give me an amazing and heartwarming profession." (Y/n) offered.


"You said you planned on it." They shrugged, trying to hold back their foolish smile. "Pretend like you never said those words and say it the way you've always wanted it to happen. Just like you planned."

"Well, uh..." George trailed off, the red on his face becoming even more vibrant than it already was. The sunset was like a spotlight on him. "So, uh- I've really liked you, (Y/n)... For a very long time." He cleared his throat. "Every time we'd go on calls together or do random facetimes throughout the day, I'd feel more and more like myself and I'd be happier whenever your name would pop in my phone. Every time I would get a notification from you, I'd smile, and whenever you made plans with me, I'd drop everything else just so that I could spend time with you."

The blush on (Y/n)'s face was slowly starting to match George's as their lips shook into a steady smile, hearing the words that he had to say.

"I think you're beautiful, (Y/n)." He continued. "And kind, and smart, and funny. I also think that you're a very good friend who's always aware on if others aren't feeling their best." George sighed out, taking little to no long pauses. "And I felt silly whenever my friends always teased me about dating you because it was the one thing that I wanted to do more than anything. And hearing them joke about it while you shrugged it off made me feel even more nervous whenever the topic was brought up."

"Aw, George..." They softly whispered out.

"I felt jealous around your exes and got annoyed whenever somebody else would try and do things like flirt with you or get your number. I never said anything, but it annoyed me how easy it was for them to talk to you about dating and it always brought to me to think of the day when that could be me. And, clearly, that's now." He laughed under his words. "Obviously, I won't try to actively bore you with more statements because I feel like I've already talked enough, but I really like you. Really, really like you. And even if saying that could completely ruin our friendship, I still feel the need to say it." He paused. "Because I love you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) happily sat through that whole confession with a goofy smile on their face, feeling the buttery tornado in their stomach grow even more intense.

"That sounds professional, did you practise that?" They teased with a cheeky smirk to try and hide their blush. "Maybe recite it to the wall?"

"Only, like- A few times." He murmured. It was a lot
more than a few times. "It's just been on my mind for a while."

"How long had you been putting that off?"

"Longer than I can count." He sighed. "You know, it would really help if you said something."

"Something? Like what?" They chuckled. They knew exactly how he wanted it to play out in his head. "Like- How I really like you too?"

"Yeah, like that." He nodded.

"Right, right..." They nervously tapped their index finger on the surface of the grass, still smiling. "I really like you too."

"Wait, really?" His head propped up. "You weren't just teasing me?" He seemed really astonished. It certainly wasn't the positive response that he was expecting.

"Oh, I was teasing you. But I also do really like you." They added. "I always have." They turned their lips in a bit. "You're an amazing person, George. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I'm glad you feel the same way." He laughed slightly. Holding his hand out for (Y/n) to eagerly take with a smile. "I was worried that you would've found it awkward."

"Never." They giggled. "I actually thought it was quite a lovely profession."

"Thank you."

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