Chapter 5

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Allie's View


The next few days I avoid Tamaki. I told my Dad that if he comes to the door to send him away. He didn't know who I was talking about so I told Billy and Mandy to do it. I've been skipping out on school to. My Dad can't afford it anymore. Were about to be bankrupt and its all that bitch Millie's fault. She isn't even back anymore, I knew she was just using Dad for his money. I tried to warn him once, he just laughed and hugged me. Why didn't he believe me.

"Sissy said that the blondie wasn't aloud here anymore, but I don't think you were the one she meant." Oh no, I hope its not him. I go around the corner,

"TAMA-" She looks frightened. "Oh its Akari." I sigh relief. "I thought you were Tamaki."

"You mean the one who kissed yo-"

"YES, him..."

"Are you mad at him?"

"No, but we met like one day ago, then he kissed me and said he loved me, don't you think thats something to process."

"Okay, thats why you've abvoiding him, but why haven't you been at school? People think your dead."

"Thats dumb, my Dad just can't afford the bills, so he can't afford the school. So I guess I'm going to have to go to my summer home and live there."

"Where's that?"

"France. It doesn't even matter though, schools almost over anyway."

"True. Hey! Can I come with you? My mom won't care."

"Uhmm, sure I guess, I mean as long as you don't tell the Host Club about it. They found my PERSONAL house, who knows what else they'll find."

"Don't you wanna say bye to your lover though?"

"HE IS NOT MY LOVER! I honestly don't even know what happened. He's an idiot."

"Yea, but he's gorgeous."

"Keep your lady boner under control! He LOVES ME! And besides-"

"AHA you DO like him!"

"No, its just my natural insicts on niceness." I laugh, and he looks at me,

"Surreee..." She says sarcastically.

"Alright fine, but I don't let ANYONE get close to me, I mean unless its you of course boo." I say. She smiles, and nods.

"Why aren't you letting him in?"

"Well lets just say that my last relationship with a gorgeous princely type didn't go well. Turns out that he wasn't real." I laugh, she smiles.

"Seriously though!"

"Fine, he saw another girl and after he got my most personal asset he left. Right after that my mom-" I choked on my words, she said that I didn't need to go on. I smiled at her. Just then the doorbell goes off.

"Billy could you get that?"


"Just someone get it."

"I'll get it." Akari says standing up. She opens the door.

"She doesn't want to see you. Go away." Akari's such a good friend.

"But, princess." He gazes into her eyes, I roll my eyes, and he invites himself in, she just sits on the couch blushing.

"ALLIE why haven't you been answering?" I just look down.

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