Chapter 10

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Allie's View


We're greeted by others on the Host Club. They're wearing there swim-suits.

"Really? What are you guys wearing?"

"Come on Allie-Chan, we're going to Kyo-Chans secret beach." He pushes up his glasses.

"Don't forget what happened last time we went." They say Tamaki looks down, and it look likes he has a flash-back. I smile,

"Sure, I mean it beats the fact that this is my la-" Haruhi comes over, interrupting me.

"Don't worry Senpai,-"

"Please don't call me that. It makes me feel old."

"Okay, Allie then. Anyways, last time we went there, there were some punks that tried to touch some of the guests." Kyoya pushes up his glasses.

"We had to give the ladies fruit baskets to keep them relaxed."

The twins chime in. "Haruhi almost got herself killed."

"It took forever to get the twins off of them." Kyoya finishes. I start to smile, then pushes on Haruhi's head.

"What were you thinking?" I start to laugh. She looks up at me, and smiles.

"That's exactly what everyone was saying." I look at her and smile.

"So were leaving right Takashi?"


"Right now?" Tamaki asks. I smile, and wink at him.

"You can help me get ready." His eyes widen, and I laugh, and go check out the swim suits. "Where'd these come from?" The twins point me to a purple 2 piece, with a see-threw shirt, and a black bottom, with a skirt thing over it. "I.."

"We know, you love it." They smirk. Tamaki checks it out and stares off into space. I walk over to him and smirk.

"How'd you like to see your hot-ass girlfriend in a suit like that?" He blushes and I laugh.

"Where's the changing room?" Mori points me to it. I nod, and go to change. After I get on my suit, I debate weither or not to keep my hair down. *Sigh* first world problems. Tamaki walks in, and I cover myself. I turn around and relax. He throws me his hoodie.

"A lady of your structure shouldn't be showing that much skin." I widen my eyes, and let my hair fall in my face.

"I get it..You just don't want to see my blub." I turn away, and look at myself in the mirror. I see his eyes widen, and he walks over to me.

"You got it all wrong, your not fat," He turns my head to his, "Your perfect, and if anything you need to eat a bit more." He looks at my arm, "And whats this? Is this-" I nod, and his hair falls in his face. He kisses my hair, and leaves. I put on the hoodie, and walk out.

"Aww, Allie-Chan why aren't you showing your cute swim-suit?"

"Tamaki didn't want me to..."


Tamaki's View


The Hitachiin twins put there arms on my shoulders.

"Is the boss still pervin?"

"Its not that its just-"

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