"And Alice!?" He could hear Hoseok running around and grabbing stuff as well, properly getting ready to get everyone.

"I don't know, can you just please get them home as fast as you can and then come down here, I really need your help." It takes a lot for a leader to admit that he was in need of help, but he thought nothing of his own pride and more about how to make sure that his whole pack was safe, so if that meant that he needed to confess that he needed help, then so be it.

It took a grant total of ten agonizing minutes before footsteps could be heard down the hallway. Namjoon had stopped the bleeding which luckily looked worse than it actually was, though Jin now had a splitting headache, but that was a small price fo pay. Seungkwan was awake but they had still not gotten in contact with him, instead they had moved both of them close to each other in hopes that Namjoon or Jin's presence could help bring him out. When the others finally had arrived, tegu had decided it was best for the Omegas to stay in the building and up in Yoongi's studio, at least until both of them got a little better. Hoseok and Jeonghan were the first ones to enter, followed by Hansol, Seungcheol, Jungkook and last Wonwoo. All of them saw the four on the floor and made a beeline towards them.

Hansol saw the state they both were in, but Jin was coherent and Seungkwan was not. He immediately strides towards them both and makes eye contact with Yoongi, begging him to give him Seungkwan. Yoongi sighed and looked him deep into his eyes. "He is not himself right now Sollie, just so you know. He can't respond and he doesn't seem recognise us, not trying to scare you, but you need to hear this."

"I don't care, please pass me Kwan!" Yoongi made eye contact with Namjoon who in turn just nodded, if one of them could get him out of that state, it was Hansol.

"Seungcheol, can you take Jin and go to Yoongi's studio as that is the most secure place in the building, the company doctor should be here in ten or so minutes and he needs to be checked out if the hit he got to his head did damage." He passed Jin over in Seungcheol's arms and looked at the youngest in the room. "Hansol, you can take Kwan and get him checked out as well, but I'm not sure if the doctor can help with whatever is wrong with him. Don't worry, I've made sure that the doctor is an Omega, we don't need any Alphas that are not from the pack around them at the moment."

Yoongi passed over Seungkwan to Hansol and it felt so weird as kwan just kinda slumped in his arms, not being able to hold himself up. Hansol pressed him close and placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up with him, ready to walk out of here. Yoongi stood up as well, turning towards Namjoon. "I'm gonna help them up to the studio and then change the code for the door, I'm not taking any chances today."

Together they walked upstairs and towards his studio. When they reached the door, Yoongi asked them to stay a bit back so he could check if everything was safe inside. After checking absolutely everything, he deemed it safe enough for them to enter. Yoongi quickly changed the code and told Seungcheol and Hansol the new one before running over to the others to help with the search of Alice.

Seungcheol placed Jin on the couch and went over to where he knew Yoongi kept his wet wipes and water bottles for obvious reasons and took them both over to Jin, he started to clean some of the blood from his hair and face, plus making him drink some water. Jin was whimpering through the whole progress and looked so helpless at the moment. "My head hurts... I wanna sleep."

"I know honey, but we need to wait for the doctor to come and get you checked out first... You need to stay awake for me, can you do that?" Jin nodded slowly and let Seungcheol continue cleaning his face off.

Hansol had quickly grabbed a water bottle while passing by the two and moved to the other end of the room and sat in the corner with Seungkwan still in his arms. He placed him so he was sitting on his lap facing towards him, so he was the only one he could see. Overstimulation was not the best at the moment, so he made his voice extra soft as he whispered  "Baby Boo, I need you to come back to us, okay?"

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