Alice in Prison

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Seungcheol had just come back from talking with Namjoon and was briefing all of us on how the next few days were gonna be like. Tomorrow I was gonna go to my job and quit, and then afterwards I'll go to my apartment to pack. Seungcheol had informed us that only two of them could join me in that endeavor, and he had really fought to make it two. Of course bodyguards were gonna join us. Apparently a temporary passport was being made, I of course have never flown in my life or even crossed the border, so having a passport seemed expensive, but now I was gonna get it. I was a bit nervous of the flight that was gonna happen, but I'll take that to that time.

The Alphas were now currently fighting over who should go with me, as it had already been decided that Jisoo would join me as one, mostly because he was from the states also and he could speak English fluently so if any mishaps happened he could take over the talking part.

In the end it ended up being Jisoo and Hansol, my fellow Americans. The others huffed a bit, wanting to be the ones who could join but calmed down as the Omegas started to spread around to calm them all down. Seungkwan giggled a bit as he had been sat down on Wonwoo's lap "sometimes I think the Alphas are more clingy than we are"

That earned a laugh from all of the Omegas, clearing some of the mood. All of this was still so surreal, but I think I like it.

Finally food came, we had chosen pizza, buying different kinds to share. I was now sitting between Jun and Minghao who was sometimes feeding me pizza, not that I didn't eat for myself as well. It was just that they would sometimes give me a bite of their pizza slice. They seemed to enjoy doing that and Jihoon explained that it was a primal instinct to know that their mate was well fed. I thought it was kinda cute to be honest, and now that Jihoon had explained it, I could see the others doing just the same with Jisoo, Jihoon, Seungkwan and Dino.

We talked for hours, just getting to know each other. I was slowly getting more comfortable with them all. Everything was nice. I started getting tired, this being quite a long day for me and I let out a yawn. Stretching my arms a bit, I heard a chuckle behind me.

"Tired Love?" I nodded at Seungcheol, my back snuggled into Jun as he held me close. Jun had basically hogged me after pizza, saying something about needing his turn too. 

"I can take the couch, I'm small enough for that" I offered, not wanting to be too much of a bother. 

"Not necessary. You take my bed and I'll take the couch" Seungcheol said in a tone that was not leaving up for discussion. I was about to protest before I Jun let out a low rumble by my neck and I just agreed with him instead. "Soonyoung and Mingyu are sleeping in the bed beside you, so if anything happens during the night they are there."

"Now come with me and let's get you ready for bed, you can borrow a t-shirt of mine to sleep in," Mingyu said, his hand reached out for me. I took his hand, letting him pull me off the couch and he put an arm around me as he showed where the room was. Soonyoung was right behind us. The rest started to scatter to their own rooms, all saying their goodnights to all. 

The room he showed me had two beds in it, a double and a single. Mingyu walked over to his suitcase and found a t-shirt for me to wear and I thanked him. I walked into the bathroom and started getting myself ready.

Taking off the shirt I had on, I looked at the irritated skin from the coffee from earlier. Luckily it didn't seem to have gotten worse. I then removed my skirt and I was now in only my underwear. I was considering keeping my bra on, but they were annoying to have on so I just removed that as well. Then I took Mingyu's t-shirt and put it on. The smell engulfing me was amazing. It had some earthy tones to it and it was just calming. The shirt however was swimming on my body, but that was expected when you borrow a shirt from your bean pole of a soulmate.

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