Chapter 3

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"Nice to see you to, Kurama." she whispered as she took heavy breaths. I gaped in awe, "K-Kyuubi?" I whispered.

Still Sasuke POV

KYUUBI? I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD. "So you think of me as a he, huh?" the Kyuubi's voice whipped me out of my thoughts. "You heard my thoughts?" I muttered in fake annoyance. 

He laughed. "Okay, Number one, your mind is linked to Naruto's, I linked you two, and second of all, I suppose you're not as bad as I thought you were. Maybe Naruto's goodness did SOMETHING." he smirked. I shivered at the feral foxy grin he gave me.

"Kurama, can you heal me, I wanna get out of bed as soon as possible and get outta here." Naruto asked the fox. I just stared, that was ALL I could manage right now.

Third POV

Kurama tilted his head in a Should I or should I not? gesture. Naruto saw this, and did her fox eyes jutsu. Sasuke kissed Naruto on the cheek (because she was sooooooo adorable), Kakashi rumpled her hair, and Kurama just bounced onto her lap and cuddled for a few seconds before starting to heal her.

Back to Sasuke POV AND //Timeskip to when Kurama's done healing Naruto//

"Kyuubi-san?" I asked. The fox turned his head toward me.  I can't believe I'm talking so timidly like this, maybe Naruto really has changed me. "What's your real name? The name 'Kyuubi' is a title, not a name."

"Only you two can know this, if I hear you spill somewhere, I'll destroy the thing that makes you two men." the fox growled menacingly. Me and Kakashi covered certain parts. 

"Then I'll skin this so-called 'Great Kyuubi', or I can send him back inside. Maybe I can send him back. Thanks Kurama." Naruto said. Then she did the 'release' sign and Kurama turned into the red chakra I had seen before. I stared before Naruto poked me in the forehead. "Is that better?" She asked. I completely forgot Kakashi was there and kissed her. 

Third POV

Kakashi went out the door as soon as Kurama was gone, he didn't want to see any of his sister's lovey-dovey stuff.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke were in full make out mode. "Sasuke, lets go, okay?" Naruto said after the need for breath won. Sasuke nodded and left the room so that Naruto could change into her ninja gear. Once she cam out of the room, they shunshinned to outside of the hostpital. 

"What will everyone think, Sasuke? They might shun me, the rest of the rookie 11. And don't even get me started on Sakura." Naruto murmured. "Hn." Sasuke grunted, unintentionally. I'll deal with that. We need to go to my family or they'll flip when I get home in the evening. They need to know you're my girlfriend.

"Hn." Naruto replied. She already knew the Uchiha's language. Sasuke widened his eyes and stared at Naruto. She grinned her cute foxy grin and started dragging Sasuke toward the Uchiha compound. What a couple, those two. Kakashi laughed quietly in a tree.


Sasuke POV (A/N: I know, people, too much of Sasuke...)

"Oh my goodness." Naruto murmured. I sped through the Uchiha compound, if I stayed long, it would bring back memories of my kinfolk. Only me, my mother, father, brother, his girlfriend, cousin Shisui, and HIS girlfriend are alive. "Sasuke... I didn't know you lived such a quiet life." Naruto whispered. I just shook my head and shunshinned us to my house. Me and Naruto took off our shoes before entering.

"I'm Home." I called in. 

"Welcome home, Sasuke. I'm in the kitchen." My mother called. I went toward her voice, dragging Naruto along with me. "Uh, Mother? I, uh, Kinda had a surprise for you..." I said as I dragged Naruto toward the Kitchen.

Mom turned around and looked at us. Then Naruto paled and froze, I had to steady her. Mom froze too. "Uh... You know each other?" I asked. Then Naruto launched out of my arms and ran to hug my mom, and she hugged Naruto. "Uh..." I stared as Mikoto spun Naruto in the air and hugged her. "Kokujin josei, You're her!" Naruto cried as she hugged mom. The separated and saw me staring. 

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh... you two know each other." I said. 

Naruto was about to smack her head, but I zoomed over and stopped her. She blushed, "Mikoto-sama saved me from some of the mobs that chased me." Naruto explained. I nodded and looked around. "Mother, where's Father?" I askd. She giggled and said, "In the living room, he came home just now." Sure enough, a gruff "HN." announced where he was, and I dragged Naruto to my father. I hoped Naruto would get more than a 'hn', she deserved WAY more than that.

Third POV

"Father?"  Sasuke said. Fugaku grunted, "Hn?" What is it?  

"I, I have someone to show you." Sasuke said. The Uchiha head was about to 'hn' again when he saw who the person was. 

There stood Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, daughter of Fugaku's rival and Best friend, bowing before him. "Fugaku-sama, It's a pleasure to meet you." Naruto said as she bowed.

Back to Sasuke POV

"Hn?" I whispered to Naruto, Why are you bowing? It's just my dad. "Hn." I give respect to my village's clan heads, unlike SOME people. Naruto teased. 

Meanwhile, dad was on his feet jaw dropping a little and staring at Naruto. "You are Naruto Uzumaki?" he asked. Naruto stood up and said, "Yes, Fugaku-sama." 

Not, in a million years would my father kneel before someone. (I even doubt he kneeled when he proposed to mom) Nor would ANYONE expect him to tear up and hug anyone, but my father now proved me wrong. He kneeled to Naruto's height, teared up, and hugged a startled Naruto. I just stared at the two. When dad pulled back, he held Naruto's shoulders and whispered, "How much you've grown up, a splendid young woman following in your father's footsteps." Naruto smiled. I couldn't take it. I sprinted to my room, shut the door, and lay on the bed, my diaphragm heaving from the urge to cry.

Naruto POV

"Fugaku-sama, excuse me for a minute." I bowed before walking toward Sasuke's room. I knocked. "Go away, father. I know you don't love me..." His muffled voice spoke, followed by a soft sob. "Sasu, can I come in?" I went in without waiting for an answer. I saw his form engulfed by his blankets and bedsheets, all black and red. His whole room was themed black and red, I guessed my blonde hair contrasted drastically with it. "Naru?" Sasuke whispered as he turned toward me. "Come here." I pulled his hand and he sat up. "Now tell me, what's wrong?" I asked gently. 

He took a shaky breath and began, "Okay, I know I shouldn't be jealous of you since you've never been shown any love your whole life, but I kinda know what it feels like. My father was Kinda okay when we were a thriving clan, but once everyone was killed, my father was colder than the land of iron. Then all we got was 'hn's, 'hn's, and more 'hn's, and... ARGH I FELT JEALOUS BECAUSE HE HUGGED YOU AND GOT ALL SO TEARY AND SPOKE MORE THAN A STUPID 'HN' AND-" 

Third POV

Sasuke started hyperventilating, and he started breathing heavily and clutched his chest. Naruto caught Sasuke and lay him down. "Breathe, Sasuke, breathe." She soothed. The raven rolled on his bed from the pain, but tried to breathe a little regularly. " You'll be fine, hang on, okay?" Naruto whispered in panic as she tried to heal Sasuke, whose eyes were closing. Naruto started her healing and tried not to panic as Sasuke passed out.

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