Chapter 24

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Third POV

As morning stretched her rosy fingers over the horizon, (A/N: please bear with my Iliad references, please and thank you.) Naruko yawned almost silently and lifted herself to a sitting position, only to notice the vacancy next to her where Sasuke lay. She panicked, "H-hey! Sasuke?" She called into the empty room.

A muffled groan responded from the bathroom, and Naruko bolted to said bathroom only to find Sasuke wheezing from his sprawled position on the floor, he only had his inner garments on after a shower. "You idiot! What did you do?" Naruko scolded as she turned Sasuke over and lifted him into her arms.

Sasuke breathed a little easily since he was lifted off of the floor. "Fell over."

Naruko placed her hand on his forehead, checking for a fever, "What'chu fell over for?" (A/N: more references, I'm feeling creative. Bear with me, I promise I'm trying.)

Sasuke coughed dryly, his throat dry from lack of water. "Oh, I don't know, I feel over because I wanted to, what do you think?"

Naruko, to say the least, did NOT appreciate the sarcasm. "Gee, thanks for making me worry about you." She lifted Sasuke and put on his shirt and pants before she practically dropped him into the bed and locked him there. "You're on bed rest until you get better, and don't fight me on that. Don't forget who I am."

Sasuke sighed wearily, "Right. Never fight the Uzumakis on anything, my mother told me."

Naruko sighed in turn. "What am I to do with you, my goodness." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm going to leave a shadow clone here here to take care of you today while I go train because I can't compromise on your health or my training." 

Sasuke smiled and patted Naruko's head weakly. "That's my girl." He ran his fingers through beautiful blond hair (A/N: I don't remember if it was long or short, we'll just pretend that it was long sorry hahaha. I don't have the time nor energy to go back and look to see if it was short). "Don't die out there or I won't have anyone to bully."

"Go bully Sakura, I'm sure she'd faint if you even spoke a word to her, that girl is lovesick and setting herself up for heartbreak. Unless you'd like to... OOMPH!" Sasuke punched Naruto lightly in the side. "Don't give me nightmares. Now get out of here, or you'll be late and Killer B'll have both of our heads smashed together and not in a kiss." Sasuke smirked at his own shrewdness.

Naruko blushed bright red at Sasuke's shrewdness and turned away. Then she realized that it was indeed getting late, so she left a small goodbye kiss on Sasuke's lips before going out.

//Time-skip to like a week later because I don't have time and I need to get this chapter out to y'all ASAP//

Naruko had steadily improved in controlling Kurama's chakra through a week of training, and she was basically ready to fight the world. Sasuke had also recovered steadily from his deadly contact with the Kyuubi's chakra, and he was slowly learning how to work with Amaterasu, the Susanoo in his body. He could even wield the trace of Kyuubi chakra still in his body without it hurting him, but he saved it for when he desperately needed it.

Sasuke watched Naruko hone her chakra and use it to boost her punches. She was fast enough even without the Kyuubi Chakra, but her close-range attacks were admittedly weaker than everything else in her arsenal.

Killer B was currently showing Naruko how to throw punches with the Kyuubi chakra, and Sasuke couldn't help but copy those movements mentally so that he could use them as well with Amaterasu's power.

The sky darkened slightly as they trained which shouldn't have been concerning since a cloud had passed over the sun, but Sasuke was on alert immediately. He activated his Sharingan when he saw the cloud over the sun densely compacted with Chakra and surprisingly, sand. 

"O-oy, Naruko." Sasuke warned Naruko. She nodded and sat down to take a break, almost in a crouch.

Then Naruko and Sasuke bolted. They ran at crazy speeds through the forest and the only person who was able to catch up to them was Killer B. Fortunately for them, he was in on the plan.

Naruko and Sasuke didn't stop jumping even when they hit the water around the island they were originally staying in. Naruko had all of her weapons in her pouch, sharpened and polished, and Sasuke had specifically reinforced his Katana with new metal.

"So what's the plan now, yo? We got to get to the battlefield before your friends become cheerios, YEOW!" Killer B rapped, and Naruko facepalmed. She turned to Sasuke while jumping from tree branch to tree branch. "I'm going to go where Gaara's located, since he was the one who sent the emergency signal."

Sasuke nodded. "I'll head to where Shikamaru's located, then." Naruko nodded in agreement.

They came to a standstill in a small clearing, ready to bid farewells. Sasuke sighed and wrapped Naruko in a hug. "I don't like how close you are with Gaara-" Naruko pulled back only to smash her lips against Sasuke's effectively shutting him up. (A/N: Ey y'all with them girlfriends or boyfriends or spouses or whatever it is, do y'all ever do this? I'm curious if it actually works because I've never dated in my life nor kissed anyone so I don't know if this method of shutting them up works.)

"Try not to cheat on me with my ripoff, Ino." Naruko smiled, knowing how much Sasuke detested every fibre of Ino's being.

Sasuke groaned at the thought of her being there as well. "Can I switch battlefields?" Naruko only cackled and shook her head no.

"Then I'll see you later, Teme." Naruko smiled. 

"Don't die on me, Usuratonkachi." Sasuke chuckled.

"Till the day I die, I won't die today."

(A/N: I'd normally stop here but I spent too long on hiatus or whatever I did so I'll finish another chapter in one sitting because I have a death wish.)

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 10 ⏰

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Life of SacrificeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang