Filler Chapter and Chapter 12

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A/N: BTW this happens before anyone knows Naruto is a girl. So it's kind of a flashback.

Naruto POV

I danced as I headed to the training grounds where Pervy Sage was waiting for me. But when I came there, my dance stopped, and my smile fell. Pervy Sage didn't get up to greet me, nor did he spout a pervy comment or anything. He merely sat on a tree stump, looking away form me.

"P-Pervy Sage?" I timidly asked, my hands automatically curling together, something I had trying to stop from doing. I was ever cautious of even eating, in case people found out I was a girl.

Pervy Sage turned his head, and I bit back a gasp. He looked as if he aged 10 years. Usually he looked fresh and young despite the old age lines on his face, mostly because he had a strong build. But now he looked old and feeble...


"Jiraiya-Sensei? What's wrong?" I asked, I used the title I was supposed to call him now.

"The wrong is what you've done. You hid from me." He replied, and I tensed.

He knew.

(A/N: as much as that makes up a wonderful cliffhanger, that's too little, so here ya go)

Third POV

Naruto tensed, "Isn't that right, Naruko?" Jiraiya said, using the female version of Naruto's name. Naruto sighed, he- she wasn't going to get out of this one. She undid her henge, then came over and sat at the grass next to her teacher.

"How did you find out?" She asked quietly.

"Tsunade spilled." This made Naruko's eyebrows shoot up, Jiraya never called the hokage by name only, he usually added a -Chan or -Hime to it.

"Pervy Sage, I'm- I'm sorry. I know I should've told you. I just didn't want to make it worse." Naruto buried her head in her closed-together knees. 

Jiraiya sighed before getting off the stump to hug his student gently, "It's alright, but promise me no more secrets. And I'd better get to meet your future Husband, I need to have a talk with him." he cracked his knuckles menacingly, making Naruko laugh. Not the kind of laugh she usually forced whenever Sakura hit her, but the laugh that made others smile widely.

"Jiraiya-sensei, I don't think anyone loves me in this world, those who love me have passed on to the next."

"Naruko, Who am I?"

"Jiraiya of the Sannin, Pervy Sage, the peeper, the one who defeated many enemies, the one with a run-on-sight warning in bingo books, do I need to go on?" Naruko counted on her fingers.

Jiraiya chuckled, "Those things I am, but to me, the most important name of all the ones I have, is The Godfather, teacher, and grandfather of Naruko Uzumaki." Jiraiya whispered. Naruko couldn't hold it, She burst into tears and buried her face in Jiraiya's shoulder. Jiraiya let her cry before letting her go. "I want you to know, I am proud to have you as my student." Jiraiya said as he held the blonde's shoulders.

Naruko smiled while mopping her face up, "And I am proud to have such an amazing godfather, teacher, and grandfather like you."

"Well, enough of the sentiments, shall we see that jutsu of yours?" Jiraiya said in his usual mighty voice. Naruko giggled and said, "YES SIR!" Before creating 2 clones and assembling a rasengan. Slowly, the 4 spikes started appearing, meaning that Naru had successfully created a bit of her rasen-shuriken. Jiraiya created a normal rasengan, then yelled at Naruko to pit her jutsu against his own.

And so she did. the jutsus clashed, and a huge shockwave knocked them off their feet. Jiraiya's hand was burned badly from the pressure, but as he looked back at Naruko, his eyes widened. He could swear he saw the 4th hokage behind her.

Jiraiya panicked as the blonde fell and passed out. Then he chuckled, and whispered, "I know this girl is going to fulfill the dreams of every shinobi, I just can't wait until she does."

(A/N: I'm so sorry guys, this chapter is so short, but I wanted to create some moment of Jiraiya and Naruko being together before the next chapter. Thanks for being so patient!)

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